Play game
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Source Code (OPTIONAL)
b=112p="%,%?%,%o%,%?%,%?%,%"g="z0%,%0お%0>%3%"h="%,%?%,%か%,%"q="`"..h.."o4?"..h.."l%2%<"..h.."i%8%9"..h.."f%>%6"..h.."c%𝘥7210%,%0➡️/%0@6%"..g..g..g..g.."𝘥7210%,%0a2@/%01/%6%>%6"..p.."9%8%9"..p.."<%2%<"..p.."?4?"..p.."o"..p.."0"z=0for e=1,277do j=ord(q,e)-35for e=0,j\3do sset(z%b,z\b,j%3)z+=1end end e={{1,0,112},{2,112,108}}d={ord("`ppppppp\0",1,9)}d[0]=0y={}for e=0,128do y[e]={}end i={{8,124},{8,124}}f=""l="lost"u=true k=0a,r=0,0c=0::e::cls()?"easy",58,50
if btnp(2)or btnp(3)then c=c~1end if btnp(5)then flip()goto f end flip()goto e::f::cls()pal({1-c,7,11,139,3,139,11},1)::n::for e=1,999do n,o=rnd(128),rnd(128)m=pget(n,o)if m>2then pset(n,o,(m-2)%5+3)end end w,a,r=unpack(e[#e])s=a\16if u then e[#e][3]+=4if d[s+1]<=r+4then if d[s+1]<16then f=l end d[s+1]-=16u=false k+=1add(e,{rnd(10)\1+3,48,0})end end if#f>0then if btnp(4)then run()end else if btnp(0)and d[s]>=r then e[#e][2]=max(a-16)end if btnp(1)and d[s+2]>=r then e[#e][2]=min(a+16,112)end if btnp(2)then e[#e][3]=d[s+1]-4u=true end if btnp(3)then u=true end if btnp(5)then e[#e][1]=ord("$%&('*+,)./0-",w)-35end end if k>1and#i>0then n,o=unpack(deli(i,1))if(d[n\16+1]+16>o or c==1and pget(n,o)==1)and#f==0then f=l?"⁷szc2.g1.e-.ccc"
end if n==120and o==120and#f==0then f="won!"l=f?"⁷sacecegcegc2..c3cc"
end if pget(n,o)<1+c then pset(n,o,3)for e in all{{0,1,1},{1,0,#i},{-1,0,#i},{0,-1,#i}}do if y[n+e[1]][o+e[2]]==nil then add(i,{n+e[1],o+e[2]},e[3])y[n+e[1]][o+e[2]]=1end end end end if#i==0and#f==0then f=l end rectfill(a,r,a+16,r+16,0)if#f==0then for e in all(e)do w,v,x=ord("#%$#$$%$$'$$)$$+$$-$$+$%-%$/$$/$%/%%/%$",(e[1]-1)*3+1,3)spr(w-35,e[2],e[3],2,2,v==36,x==36)end end rect(0,0,127,127,2)if#f>0then?"²0ᶜ2you "..f.." press 🅾️ to restart",8,56
end flip()goto n
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Such a cool concept and a really polished execution. Took me a few tries but I beat it on easy! We'll see if I crack hard.
Thanks! One tip is that the goo only expands by one pixel per frame, so if you have it advancing along multiple paths, you get more thinking time, though it comes at the cost of having a bit more to manage.
Wow, this is such a good game!
(and impressive that you got this much quality in 1K!)
The "goo" effect alone is gorgeous (goorgeous?) - I could just keep staring at it 🤩
After dying several times at the start, I thought I'd never beat it.
But after a few more goes, I finally won! (yeah ok, on "Easy", but it counts! 😅)
Really nice entry! 👍
Thank you! I'm thinking of expanding/refining the game a bit, outside of the 1k limit. Working on and thinking about a few different ways to make misdrops recoverable, since those are the most unsatisfying losses.
It must be dark magic … how can you put this game in this size? I really don’t understand it 😅 Reminds me of a game I used to play as a teenager. It’s amazing 👍
Thank you! :) I posted what I thought were the interesting coding techniques I used to the Pico8 BBS
Great puzzle game!
Love it. Absolutely brilliant!
Thank you!