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A member registered Sep 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Wow! The editor's really nice, and the FOV distortion gives it a really distinct feel. :)

Lots of fun! Some of the puzzles took a lot of thinking to get to an S-rank.

Thank you! 

This feels so smooth

That star drawing snippet is awesome

Took me a little while to figure out what to do here, but eventually figured it out, and was able to get up to a score of 41.  IMO--would be nicer if the positioning was a bit more forgiving. 

I tried swapping out

x\1+3==d and y\1+2==f)



And that feels a bit better to me, though it does use 2 extra characters, you could save them by reformatting your variable declaration to not use comma-separation for numeric values

x=61y=57w=0...  uses 11 characters, compraed to x,y,w=61,57,0 which uses 13 (since you just need the =, not two commas per variable).

With that, I was able to score in the 90s. :)

Fun game, though, and nicely done getting it in just 499 characters!

Thank you! :)

(1 edit)

Thanks! :) The AI is very, very simple, it's just the snippet

a+=c==1and 0or(a>x and-2or 2)

Translates to "If the ball is in the player's control, move the AI paddle towards the ball's x coordinate at 2 pixels/frame"

Which happily is fun enough to play against.

Thank you! And thanks for hosting this jam! :)