I've composed soundtracks for many PICO-8 games. I am looking for collaborators for the 1K jam. If you need some music for your game, hit me up. I can also make pixel art.
I'm not the best at music to begin with, but I feel like 40-80 for sound of the 1024 compressed bytes seems like a good trade off even light 1k games use <900 bytes leaving room for music. you would be limited to 3 of the 4 default tracks to leave room for sound effects.
A simple tune twinkle twinkle using 2 channel uses about ~43 bytes:
?"\as∧l0wx5c1cccffc.ffccggc.ccffccg.ccffccg. \as∧l0wx5ccggaag.ffeeddc.ggffeed.ggffeed."
the previous link gives an overview of using strings. one note is for the loop Lp0p1, they use 0-9 A-Z. A being 10 Z being 35. and you can only have a max of 32 notes. ex: l0w = loop notes 0 to 32
If you come up with something good I wouldn't mind a real composed tune, I used about 68-72 for spirit koi.