Honestly the biggest issue with this game is that there are only 3 levels.
I had a ton of fun with this game it has some really robust systems and the powerups all felt quite meaningful and impactful to the character and their abilities. I could see these abilities spread out over a longer game making it more like a metroidvania than a level based game. I particularly enjoyed needing certain ability boosting sigils from 1 level to collect those in another.
I suppose my biggest issue with the game is the controls. I'm not a fan of jump always being full height. It made it quite difficult to attack enemies as they were usually somewhere in the middle of your jump height or coming at you from weird angles (the swords). It wasn't a huge issue as I beat the game but it was a bit of a pain to deal with. The only other issue I had was with the camera cutting off edges of the level especially level 2 (middle level) it looked like there were paths to the left and right when there weren't simple because the wall that was there wasn't visible.
Although the art was really simple and not very detailed everything was communicated really well and for the most part there was no confusion for what anything was. Except for the small background bricks. When I first started on level 1 there were a few times where I tried to jump on these because they were only a little darker than the foreground platforms. Eventually I learned to ignore them but at first they were confusing. The boss design was great very well communicated attack patterns and the animations showed exactly what was coming. 10/10 design on those. Also the player animation was great, I noted the extra care on their "dripping?" animation. The character and UI changing colour based on equipped elements was also a nice touch.
The level design was good but I wish the camera lead me more, most of the time I was just jumping into blind fire and it would have been nice to see where I was going. There was a point in level 3 where it opened up greatly compared to the other 2 levels which I really enjoyed. Although I got baited when I saw the big drop at the side thinking "Oh there must be a sigil down there!" nope, just death. Was this intentional or just my dumb***? Let me know!
I really liked the music it fit the game really well and the boss track did too. The SFX were good too.
The variety of buffs/effects in the sigils was really nice and I appreciated the different attack styles. It felt like the method/reach of the attack was more important than the actual element of the attack. For example water got higher reach so I could snipe the bosses easier with it. But when I got jump height I could switch to another one to keep the pressure on the boss. I'll be honest I didn't really see the point of the melee attack or the special attack, they felt like they just put you in more danger for no real benefit.
I didn't have much issue with the difficulty, I died once. It would have been nice to have been able to heal and the HP bar is kinda confusing I often didn't really know what my HP was because of it. Also it was a bit of a pain having the game entirely keyboard controlled then having to use the mouse to change/equip sigils. Not a huge issue just kinda goes against the flow y'know?
Overall this was a fantastic platformer with some metroidvania hints to it. I would have loved if there was a secret 4th level that appeared at the end as I didn't really get a chance to use the fire stuff much. Regardless the content that was available was great and I would love to see this developed further in the future.
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