Judge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
As you've noted, this game is still some ways from being finished, but the bones are there and I can see potential!
Notable places for improvement:
- I can't actually see any real relation to the theme here, a spaceship is a vehicle that happens to have a weapon on it, and you are controlling the vehicle, so it doesn't really fit.
- The game lags very harshly for a little while the first time play is pressed, it might benefit from a short loading screen to pre-load all the assets.
- The way the aiming works just feels weird. In Lylat Wars et al, it was possible to do maneuvers that would lead to the nose of your ship pointing in different directions and hence the reticule was useful to judge the angle, but in this game the ship's nose is always pointing at a central point in the far distance for some reason. It feels like this system exists to justify having the reticule rather than being a solution to having to aim a ship that moves on rails in a 3rd person perspective.
- Restarting after death doesn't actually reset the game it just gives you back control, and leaves any enemies already on screen
Also, a fun little bug I found was that you can actually push the enemies around screen with your ship when they get close enough, which was very funny! Still, given the unfinished nature of your submission, there is nonetheless promising work here, your inspirations shine through strongly and kudos to you for getting something functional up before the deadline! Hope to see more from you in the future!
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
Is your game set to public on itch.io so we can see it?
Summarise your game!
Defend humanity is a very rushed arcade space shooter. The player ship is controlled by moving the mouse. Shooting is possible by pressing the left mouse button. The spawn rate of the enemies steadily increases every time the score reaches a number divisible by 70. After the fifth increase, the maximum spawn rate is reached.
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
The player is a jet fighter in space, a literal weapon.
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