Judge feedback
Judge feedback is anonymous.
An interesting tactical puzzler, Armagical Trio lets you control three characters to remove pieces off the board through different attacks depending on the selected character. The game was challenging at the start to understand the moves until I realized there was a tutorial. After running through that it started to click and I had much more fun clearing the blorbs.
At the end of the tutorial I did experience a game crash that threw the following error, as an fyi.
ERROR in action number 1
of Step Event0 for object obj_splash_art:
Unable to find instance for object index 43
at gml_Object_obj_splash_art_Step_0
gml_Object_obj_splash_art_Step_0 (line -1)
I do feel the controls could use another pass, switching between characters did not feel intuitive and having the cancel action (space) the same as the proceed button caused some difficulty. Once I got the hang of it, it was okay but it didn't feel great. I'm not sure if an audio queue when selecting the character or a full remap of the controls is necessary, but definitly look at it.
Gameplay wise, the level progression was challeging enough to keep me fully engaged in planning my moves, while still fun enough to make it enjoyable. Great job there, that's a hard balance.
For theme interpretation, it's a clever take, I liked it. Having the three distinct movesets where you are the weapon being controlled by the active 'human' was great.
Stylistically, the game was clearly inspired by the girl superpower shows like Sailor Moon or Powerpuff girls; and the switching between characters/moves felt very smooth in that regards. The clear delination between each move/attack was great.
Overall, I feel there is some room for improvement but a very solid foundation. very good job. A fun playthrough once the movesets were learned.
Link to your Game Design Doc on Google Drive.
Have you checked that your GDD is publicly accessible ?
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Summarise your game!
This is a block puzzle game where you play as magical girls who represent a weapon, but they turn into those weapons to be wielded by the others. The girl you are changes how you move blocks, while the weapon you wield changes how you clear them
Please explain how your game fits the theme:
Is there anything you'd like the judges to pay particular attention to?
This is our first project so anything at all would be awesome ty
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