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A member registered Aug 15, 2023 · View creator page →

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hey this is a good start! I'm just a random stranger on the interwebs, but if you're looking for feedback here it is.

1. Visuals are cute, def one of the better ones ive seen in the jam.

2. Apart from completing the circuit, it sometimes feels like it starts prematurely and its unclear to me why that occurs.

3. When the circuit is complete, its very slow at moving

4. The actual game is so small compared to the game container.

5. Apart from the text of "nothing can go wrong" for the badger, I'm not convinced its related to the theme

Overall, it feels empty but that's okay! I hope you guys learned a lot, and had fun during this jam :)

Thats really cute, I love the graphics so much. I accidentally deleted my dog bowl after picking it up with my mouth then picking up the squeeky toy. Also loved the part where the dog has to access the computers. Gj guys.

I tried it for a bit, and i get that its supposed to become more and more chaotic but i just got more frustrated and disoriented as it become more chaotic, but that's just me. The sound design was great!

Hmm i seem to have killed the bat by just standing still and holding my blade out (10 sec gif)

Anyway it was a good game and i like the art. I was a bit confused after clearing the first stage so maybe an indicator or something to help guide players upward. Also, not sure if something was supposed to appear at the end so I just sort of walked around in the snow biome.

(1 edit)

That was really fun, got to the point where my range covered the whole screen. The clones were confusing though, especially when I wanted to join in on the fun, so instead I just sat beside the button clicking ones that would get close.

hey I tried it, and left some feedback :P

Hey, its got really high quality art assets but it is really hard to get past the living room.

I'm assuming the red lights are the areas that you are supposed to avoid, but it feels like theres an invisible light or ray that just instantly kills you sometimes, even when youre not directly on top of the read.

So suggestions would be:

1. Make the lights either clearer? 

2. Keyboard only controls (no mouse)

3. Movement feels heavy, and slow and feels kind of bad 

Overall, I really wanted to try and get far but it was just too hard 😥

Gorgeous art assets though, easily one of the top for me (had you submitted in time)

Hope you get it in the next time! 

I've played and rated your game, please criticize ours too! Thanks!

My eyes really hurt trying to play this game, it's way too dark and a bit frustrating when you get caught and you're pretty far out 😅 

As for improvements, most people have already said them -

  • Too dark, hurts my eyes
  • Checkpoints please? :(
  • At the edge of their paths, the goblins sort of "snap" into a direction, instantly ending your run
  • More goblins takedowns 🔪

Hello, thanks for the experience! Please rate ours too if you're keen :)

That was fun to play!  I like the cat, the camera shake, and the idea. If you're ever going to work on this again, here's a few suggestions I can think of.


  • The catto feels heavy, like gravity is working overtime to bring it down - unsure if this will make it better, but a bit of longer airtime maybe could make it feel better?
  • Resized pixel art looks out of place, keeping every pixel the exact same size and just drawing them bigger would significantly look better even with simple art.
  • Cat disappears into the door when jumping up right underneath it

It's a great game specially for your first!

Ahh yeah knowing that would've helped me survive better haha

That was fun, I completed it. I like that it was forgiving, some out the games out here require some precision clicking to complete. gj!

Its kinda fun, and its really hard to stay alive. My highest score was about 2k.

For feedback - 

- I have no idea what that see through red circle is, doesnt seem to do anything and just takes away attention from me

- Personally i feel like the "floating" movement takes too much control away from me, specially at the speed the islands are barelling towards you at - is

Overall, i like games like these - good job :)

For some reason none of the kb controls work when I do full screen, not sure why (playing on edge). I really like the blobs, theyre cute and I like the concept too.

For improvements I'd say if there was a way to have the game be full keyboard instead of having to click the portraits everytime thatd be cool. The number of options available to me at the beginning is also a bit overwhelming to me.

Overall, good job on your first project!

(1 edit)

I liked the art and the idea that a visual novel is played from the top down POV you usually get from rpg games, was pretty cool.

If you guys were given more time, I feel like this definitely would've been an interesting game. (Sorry i know ive deleted and repast this a couple of times, but I wasn't so sure where to place the comments haha)

Took me a bit to understand what was happening but once i understood it, it was pretty fun

Thanks for dropping by! Even though its a small game, i really just wanted to try putting something out there. 

I too couldnt figure it out and i eventually gave up, looks really nice though