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I will be making a video Sticky

A topic by GameFavorites created Nov 28, 2022 Views: 91 Replies: 2
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I shall be doing a YouTube video at some point after the game jam has finished when all of the votes are in. You will get to see me playing your game, I'll be giving feedback and there will also be a countdown of the results. 

Just to let you know, I have made a game with destructible platforms because I didn't want to miss out on the fun. However, I won't be entering it into my own game jam because it's not the normal thing for a host to do. You can play it here:

I have decided to start featuring on my homepage the winning game of each Platformer Challenge. The winner of Platformer Challenge #1 is already on there. Win Platformer Challenge #2 and your game will be featured there too:

Not long to go now, wish you all the best of luck!


I wasn't able to finish my original idea, but I made something just in time. I probably should've added the theme in more, but other than that i think mine is pretty nice, yours is really good too.


I think you have done a great job with your game and it fits the theme perfectly. Also, thanks for playing what I made and good luck, the voting period will be starting soon