Thank you all for signing up to take part in this jam, and joining our community again for another week of fun. If you've not joined already, you can pop along to our Discord to find hundreds of other jammers, share ideas, get help and support, or just hang out!
This year is a smaller, leaner PROCJAM than usual, but the important parts are the same: the wonderful people, a fun November week of creating things, and a shared love of making things that make things. Another tradition is our annual optional theme, which we encourage you to ignore, and this year's is:
We see heritage in generative software all the time, especially in games that tell stories and create world histories. How do those games really tell the stories of cultures and people? What aspects of heritage haven't we explored before? And what about our own real-world culture - where does procedural generation fit into that, can generative software be a part of how we understand, share and record the world around us? Maybe some of these questions are getting you thinking, or maybe they aren't and that's okay too. Heritage is part of the theming for the 2020 Foundations of Digital Games conference, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately - it seemed a nice theme to explore together this week.
Thank you all so much for being here, and making PROCJAM great. Please remember, our golden rules: finish late, reuse old work, get help from others, cut corners, take naps, do whatever it takes to make this event fun for you. Whatever you make this week, big or small, polished or rough, experimental or not - have fun.