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Let’s talk jam themes!

A topic by Cardboard Moon created Mar 18, 2023 Views: 410 Replies: 10
Viewing posts 1 to 6

My theme ideas:

  • On the Edge
  • Calculated
  • Minimize/Maximize
  • Calm and Quiet
  • Wet/Dry
  • Powerful Force
  • Just in Time

Hope this inspires the Pursuing Pixels crew! Feel free to share your feedback on these. What do you think makes a good jam theme? To me, it’s all about the sweet spot of “restricted room for interpretation”. 


ooooh, nice list here for sure!  I’m so mad because I actually had a theme in my head a few weeks back that felt perfect (at least in that specific moment, haha) — and I’ve somehow managed to completely let it slip my mind!

So this is definitely helping me both jog my memory a bit, but also giving me some fresh ideas! 💜

One thing I do know is that the theme is gonna start with a ‘P’ of course, haha — but that’s what the thesaurus is for!  :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Got a few Ps for ya!

  • Perpetual
  • Pressure
  • Prepare
  • Pendulum
  • Parallel
  • Propelled
  • Pelican (?!?)

oooooh, I like a lot of these!  :D


Couple more p's



-Pina colada




I kinda love piña colada because it's so specific haha. Piñata feels like it has a lot of potential too.


Moon: I really like "On the Edge"!!

(1 edit) (+1)

Just found this jam over your Twitter lol.

So some more suggestions:

Pollywog monsters,

Photoshop Prank,

I'm in a bit of a Pickle,

And of course:

Who's got the biggest 'PP' 😅


hahah, I love it!  Pollywog monsters would be such a wild theme… 🐸

super stoked to have you, and can’t wait to kick off this jam soooooooon!  :D

This is the only idea I’ve had so far, but I think Prehistoric would be an interesting theme!! 

How about:
