Really liked the story, seemed like the start of a cool visual novel! Theme was a cool spin on the prompt. (My fingers hurt from spamming the continue button though)
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Perils through the mind's pageComments
Great work. Your team clearly put a lot of effort into crafting a narrative experience. Unfortunately, this just is not my type of game though. I also really appreciate games that use a hand sketched art style. It's just not done enough.
Dormant MonstersVisual novel type gameplay is really hard to approach, although it was really hard to understand where the narrative/protagonist is at, I can definitely see the effort that went into the writing and base mechanics of the game. Making assets look nice in a short amount of time can be very difficult, but if you know what tools you have (with a tone of practice) and more unique ways to mechanically tell the story, im sure it has a pretty good shot at doing well.
Dwarf with a Shotgun
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