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A member registered Oct 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great work. The art style and choice of colours is fantastic. Needing to hold E while climbing felt a bit unnatural but overall, it felt good to play. 

The Quit button does not work

Great game. It's really cool how you need to manage your time to get the most out of each day. I got an A-. I ploughed too many fields as the last task of the day trying to get the most out of it but then it would rain the next day.

Good work. The player moves around quit well and navigating the levels is enjoyable. You have one of my favorite bugs, the game continues accepting inputs when the game is paused so you can spam jump a bunch in the pause menu and then do super jumps when you resume the game. 

Great work this was a lot of fun to play. The movement felt great once I got the hang of it and the art style is fantastic.

This is really cool. The bamboo growth and styling work very well and it is intuitive to play. 

It looked like it said control rather than down arrow when I read it last time. Crouch works well and now I understand why there was a down arrow on that platform

Great work. I think the movement is really interesting and enjoyable. It can be a little bit challenging to rotate the correct amount to push off on the angle you want but it is very satisfying when you get it perfect and make a challenging jump between some spikes. The different areas that had different movement rules were very interesting and added a nice bit of variation to the basic movement. 

Rotating the player to the sides was easy to understand but I did not understand what the crouching was. I was not able to make anything different happen when I pressed Ctrl.  

I got this far and found it to be a good challenge up to this point. Some levels were harder or easier than other but none of them took me long enough to get frustrated. Until this one. I could not figure out how to use the moving platform for anything other than to help me get closer to the spikes and die.

Cool game. I like the idea of changing roles as you win. It gives the game a cool difficulty curve that the player controls themselves.

Thanks for giving it a play.

Best game of the jam. Great concept, art look fantastic, puzzles are the perfect difficulty for me.  Great work.

Great work this is a really fun game. It took me until the third round to fully understand how the cards worked but once I figured it out it was a lot of fun. 

Nice game idea but the projectiles are way too fast for me to follow. Good work overall and I like the simple art style.

Nice game idea. I found it challenging to throw things consistently where I wanted them but I really like the idea.

Great game concept. I have seen reverse tower defense before, but I have never seen one where you have to make the vehicle doing the sieging. 

Good work. This is a very enjoyable game. I really like how you play as both the player and a zombie.

Thanks for giving it a play.

I really like the concept of this game. Unfortunately, the gameplay was a little bit to janky for me. The ranged heroes kept getting stuck on walls so I would have to reset because they would not kill a monster that was just standing there with no inputs left.

Great work this game plays very well and is enjoyable. The art and humor is great and the gameplay is smooth and easy to understand.

Nice game. I like how you have used the theme in this game. I did find it a little unclear as to which weapon the night would use or when he would block though. Great effort overall.

Nice idea I just wish I got some dialog that I could randomly say.

Thanks. It good to hear that you liked it.

Great work. This is a lot of fun. I didn't think the concept would work so well when I read it but it's great. Minotaur's are the way to go they are so strong in mass.

I really like the idea. I think it is a cool concept, but this might be one of those ideas that just don't work that well in practice. The castles just expanded too quickly so it is more or a game of how far I can run. 

Great concept and I enjoy the art style. I just with there was a little more purpose to me sleling things to people. Great work overall though.

Awesome Game. I really enjoyed this one. The gameplay loop feels so good and I love that you get slower the more gold you have so you need to not be too greedy.

Great work. It was a lot of fun, but I got stuck in level 8. I could get one of the to the finish but not at the same time. 

Great work. I liked how it always know the piece you need and then gives it to you facing the wrong direction. It did need something to increase difficulty over time as I was forced to quit after 15 minutes, and I prefer to get crushed by the overwhelming number of pieces. 

Great work. I really enjoyed the gameplay loop. After one playthrough I looked at the leaderboard and though yeah, I can beat that but unfortunately, I was only able to get to 196. 

Thanks for giving it a play. When you finish a level, you should get gold from the last run or the highest so far. So, you should have started with 150 again until you got more. I'm not sure exactly why that happened to you. I agree that it needs to more clearly show the player how they are making money. I should have included more information on the game over panel showing how the score is calculated.

Thanks, I'm glad you persisted long enough to understand how to play. If you liked the music, make sure to check out the link in the description of the game because there was a lot more music by the same creator. 

Thanks. It's good to see you understood how to play. I was worried that it would not be very clear. I the future I would hope to be able to add a bit more player feedback and make things clearer. Unfortunately, that is one of the things I find myself struggling to do well at but I am defiantly learning and trying to improve. 

Thanks, I'm glad you liked the concept. I assume you died because you ran out of monsters or loot. Ideally, I would have made it clearer that when there are no more monsters or loot the adventurer leaves and you start again with a new adventurer, but I didn't get around to it.


It would be nice if you put the controls on the itch page. It took me 10 minutes to figure out I could sprint

Great work. I appreciate that it is now harder to get insta killed when things go badly. And the addition of the shield makes it much easier to get through some of the tougher times. Feels like a more rounded experience now. Some of the issues I pointed out last time are still present, so I won't talk about them but just some of the new things I noticed.


  • There appears to be a bug when switching scenes. It works fine when you press play and when you die and press restart but the rest of the time it does not really work. I find that if I press credits and then play it will sometimes load the level then instantly load into credits. And when I die and press menu it won’t load the menu until I press restart.
  • There is no way to quit the game from the PC Build. You have removed the Quit button for the WebGL build but forgot to put it back before doing the PC build.


  • It can be difficult to notice when the shield is available while playing the game. I find that I am busy focusing on my player so I can’t stop to look at the shield to see when it is available or recharging. This results in me just pressing the button and hopping that it works. If it had a blue outline or glow when it was ready for use it would stand out and I would be able to know it is ready without having to have a good look at it.
  • I often charge into danger when I have my shield but then it runs out and I take damage. Having some sort of indicator as to how long the shield has left being active would help me not charge into danger just as the shield runs out. If the shield slowly changed from blue to light blue or yellow over its lifetime, I would have a better indication of when it is about to run out and then I could start avoiding danger again.
  • It took me a couple of runs to notice that I was gaining points when my shield got hit by projectiles. If there was some sort of feedback or visuals showing that I am gaining points it would be clearer. For example, if the numbers came out of the projectile as it is destroyed it would make me feel as though I am being rewarded for using the shield to block projectiles. Or even just having the score change colour as points are added would make this clearer. 

Probably not fair to compare my score with scores from the last build. But I think I smashed it.

Thanks for playing it. I defiantly should have made it easier most people have found it too difficult.