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Composer is looking for a team! :)

A topic by GameJunk created Jul 11, 2021 Views: 333 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 4
Submitted (2 edits)

Hi everybody,
My name is Grover Blom (my artist name is "GRooVy GRoVer") and I'm a composer who is looking for a team! :)
I make music in a lot of different music genre's. (there isn't a genre I don't wanna make)

You can listen to my music on my YT channel:

As a extra bonus: I'm a former film student who likes to play around in the unreal engine.
So I know a thing or two about camera and editing.
And I also have a little bit of experience in game dev too.
So if you guys working in the unreal engine and you also can use someone that really love's to make cut scene's,
than I also love help with that! ;)

To check out one of my cutscene's:
And if you like to check out one of my games:

Really looking forward to join a team!
and thx in advance for reading! ;)

Gr Grover Blom (GRooVy GRoVer)





your songs suck (NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN I REPEAT NOT TRYING TO BE MEAN) its just like... its not that good for me. but thats just me other pepole can like your songs like y'know they are good... but not for my style of music

Jam HostSubmitted(+4)

If you don't like someone's work, just don't say anything, you aren't adding anything to the conversation in this manner. I personally like his songs a lot


thx a lot for the kind response arcy! :)
but I'm personally fine with people not liking my stuff, I realise its not for everyone! ;)

Submitted (1 edit)

hmm thats funny, becasue acording to my youtube analytics data no one did listen to my songs when you posted this reaction.
so how do you know my songs suck if you don't have listen to them? xD (not that I have problem if people not like my music, everyone have it's own tast and thats fine)


ok so i did like one of them ngl. so it has to be shocking showdown i like that one


thx for listening pup boi! :)

do you mean listening for what you said? or listening to the music??????????????????????

Submitted (1 edit)

I did mean listening to my music ;)



Ey mate, programmer here, I am looking for people to make a game for the game jum! I listened to some of your songs and I see some variety on the BPM that I think can works for different game songs. They sound great! specially Mr.X I can see it in a rythim game. If you want to be in contact and speak more about our work and stuff like that hit me in Discord! Chipi#8562

If you agree to work together we can search for an artist and start thinking what game we want to make!

Submitted (3 edits)

great!!!! ;D
thx a lot for the kind words! ;D (glad you liked "Mr. X" :))
I would love to get in contact with you on discord! :)
but today I'm really busy, so if its okay with you I will contact you tomorrow! (on discord) ;)
in what time zone do you live? (I live in UTC+01:00)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Nice! no problemo, we talk tomorrow, I am UTC +2 (Spain). Contact me any time!

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

of course,  youre music rocks.

personly i like Shocking Showdown the most.

my programmer name is BOYESEBBY and if you agree i woud be happy.

im lacking a lot of skills with music but you can help!

also i work with Unity so im sorry if you work with unreal, Phython, Gadot ore some other engine

Submitted (1 edit)

Cool! ;D
thx for the compliments! ;D (nice you like "Shocking Showdown" :))
I woud love to get in contact with you! ;D
do you have a discord profile where we can communicate? ;)
I'm really busy today, so if its okay with you I will contact you tomorrow! ;)
in what time zone do you live? (I live in UTC+01:00)


i live in europe. its +2 hours more, and thx.


im making a discord right now


BOYESEBBY#5416 discord


sorry its BOYESEBBY#1714