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A member registered Jul 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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Other jammers will rate your game, so if you make your game multiplayer you might struggle getting votes since people usually play jam games by themselves. If you want you can definitely make your game multiplayer, but just be aware of that! (also multiplayer is much much harder)

More monsters spawn as you complete objectives, which is just used as a difficulty thing since I didn't have time in the jam to do more actual monster phases/behaviours.

As for randomization, I'd say just adding some mechanic that lets you find items easier (possibly tied to the echolocation ability) would probably circumvent frustration. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing!

What pieces of paper? And the microphone should send a wave of lights, not really flicker. Are you on mac/linux? Cause these two versions are untested so it would be good to know the issues are there

There could be both clues and solutions I think - in different files perhaps, and for sfx on top of my head I can think of like water dripping in the cave when the text says "water drips from the celing", wind sounds when you stare into the abyss, or river sounds when walking next to the river

I absolutely live for games like these. Having to solve puzzles OUTSIDE of the actual game is probably my favorite genre of games as of late. I just wish there were some more SFX after dialogue to help the imagination a bit. Also the clues were absolutely NOT clues, they were just answers. Still, I really enjoyed my time with this game!

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No I don't mean sounds, sounds are great (although I agree with the player hit being too low). I meant more like visual feedback, you could even just use the basic fps tropes like hitmarkers, enemies flashing for a frame on hit, more particles, red vignette on getting hit, stuff like that.

Side note: I adore your profile picture lol

Holy worldbuilding. I really enjoyed all the little types of rooms you've created and some of the crazy visual stuff happening. My only gripe with this game is probably lack of player feedback - getting damaged, dealing damage, killing enemies all should be pretty clear but I wasn't really getting that here.  But, other than that this was really enjoyable to play (a bit too hard maybe?). Great work!

The visuals are insanely well made, I especially liked the color palette and the effect at the edges of the screen which makes it feel like part of the itch page. Definitely felt the slay the spire inspiration, in a good way - I feel like the game executed it rather well. The music was a bit tiring after a while (because of short loop), but it was epic. Really great job!

I absolutely love how ham you went on the shader in this game, it makes for a very memorable art style, especially the posterization. Also, the main mechanic was very interesting and it subverted the typical fps shooting style which was awesome. Really great work!

Really nice mechanic! I especially enjoyed the levels where the player themselves had to be combined, it made me really think about the movement. Also the visuals while simple were really well made and the visual effect was stellar. I think this is a great little puzzle game, good job!

I really love how this game looks and the main fighting mechanic, but as you said it was a bit too hard. I feel every enemy should be a bit weaker by themselves or there should be way less enemies. Still, you created a nice world that got be that has me wanting to learn mroe about, with really great visuals and sfx on top of that. Nice job!

I hopped on your stream and you said that the first jumpscare doesn't get many people. Well, it got me, I was honestly expecting it to build up and go back to normal and not to a jumpscare lol. Anyways I really enjoyed this, the audio and visuals go together perfectly. Also all the subtle changes made the game for me, really great entry!

Probably the best graphics I've seen this jam yet, really nice job on those! The audio was also really well made and suited the gameplay really nicely. I wasn't the biggest fan of the gaemplay itself, but objectively I think the gameplay loop is really good. I'm just curious why is the player limited to a grid while the attacks aren't? Feels pretty counter-intuitive in a way. Still, you really blew out of the water with this game, good job!

I love the concept, and the game actually took me half as much as you said in the description. I really love the main mechanic, I just wish there was more objectives than just collecting a bunch of stuff. Like that one minigame with shooting bottles was really fun and I wanted to see more. Also some calm music would go a long way. Still, I really enjoyed the visuals and the main saturation mechanic, really nice job!

I really like the idea and how the cubes nicely blend together to white when they are together, I just wish the puzzles were more challenging. Also love the sfx, a mouth made music in the background would be hilarious and work really well I think. Really solid game!

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Sadly I didn't have too much to play test and with the 2 people I have playtested with found the code pretty easily, so I didn't realize it needed more hints, sorry! The microphone is needed for finding the code and it's mainly so you can scout rooms better for items and such (also the enemies can hear you when you're really close) 

Firsr of all, this is my very first try at a horror game like this so all your feedback is priceless to me. The enemies react to either looking at them, using the mic or running, all while close to them. So running around and avoiding the eyes with smart movement is definitely one way of playing this game (definitely the quickest!). 

I agree there should be an alternative button to the main ability, but I was afraid that everyone would just use it instead of using the mic like intended. 

Again, you being critikal is great for me because I get to learn, thank you! <3

I don't personally see that many similarities to rain world, but see this game as trying to be something unique by itself, and I love that in it. Obviously the atmosphere bangs, you did a great job on it, along with sfx and art.  I think my only problem would be that I didn't exactly know what was going on all the time, like once I shined my flashlight on (what I thought was) nothing, and a bat came flying out of the wall and knocked me down the well restarting my run. Still, amazing game. 

I really love the concept of changing your movement abilities on the go with such stylistic visuals on top.  Also I'm glad you added subtitles, as it was hard to hear some words with the filter on top of it. I just wish the resetting was a bit faster without a need for me to press a button, because it interrupts flow of gameplay. Other than that, I really enjoyed this!

Holy fuck dude you can't just drop a banger like that. Absolute masterpiece, polished to oblivion. I adore the little touches you made that made this game stand out from every other one this jam. The story also had be hooked, and I was scared shitless the reveal was going to be a cheap jumpscare, and I was pleasantly surprised. Bravo!

I think this is the best game I've played this jam so far. The atmoshpere, sound effects, the juicy actions on everything and the story fit together in a perfect harmony to create a stellar jam game experience. I'm guessing the implementation of the theme had to do with the story given the errors at the end? If so I think that's a great interpretation. Wonderful submission!

This game reminded me of Mike Klubnika's games in a really good way. I really love how well you made the atmosphere despite me being scared shitless. It wasn't really clear what to at first but I got the hand of it after a bit. I don't usually play horror games but this was really well made, good job!

I honestly wasn't into it that much at first but once I got the first evolution something clicked and I wanted to see how far I could go.  The parallax and art style is lovely, and the only missing piece would be some music. I think this is a really nice little game! Good job!

I really liked the juicy effects and the overall art direction, but the gameplay itself got pretty stale pretty quickly.  It wasn't bad at all, but just didn't really give you a lot of possibilities. Also I feel the hard mode should've been the default because it's way more engaging. Still, I've enjoyed myself. Really nice submission!

I've lost all my rats, I'm numb without rats. Rats gave me hope. I'm nothing. Rats like me. I like rats. Sadly all my rats are gone. I had 7 rats. Now I have dept. This shall not continue. I'm more into dept. Rats will save me. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one more spin. Just one m

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Oh my this game has so much charm and character, I live for games like these. The visuals, audio and writing go together perfectly and I adored every second of it. Also the fact that you managed to do multiple endings in such a short jam is impressive. Real nice entry!

Ooh Iove how this looks and feels to play, insanely juicy and well thought out! My only gripe would be that the cursor disappears during shooting, which is pretty counter intuitive in a shooter :P

Hey, really nice job on getting in the top 3!

 As promised each of the top 3 games is getting a code for Rhythm Engine, so if you want one, please add me on Discord @qer24 <3

Hey, really nice job on getting in the top 3!

As promised each of the top 3 games is getting a code for Rhythm Engine, so if you want one, please add me on Discord @qer24 <3

Not taking any more late submissions!


I think you barely made it?

if the bug makes the game entirely unplayable then sure, but otherwise no

Congrats to all people that managed to submit something!

For everyone that didn't manage to submit in time, I'm doing a 1h grace period when you can post a link to your game in the comments to this post! (the main itch link, not the rhythm-jam-2024/rate one) 

The hard cut is at 6pm GMT+1/CET!

The answer is on the jam page ^^

Can I submit my old game or start working on my game before the jam starts?
The majority of your game should be made during the jam, premade assets are an exception to this and can be made before the jam starts.

Also you might want to see the theme first before jumping into making the game

Hey, to be completely safe, you should use only the music you have the rights to, such as songs under the CC0 license, any music made by your team or any songs from the Rhythm Jam Shared Music google drive

Thank you for valid criticisms! Hope you have a good day :) 

You mean the jam page? It's mostly custom CSS. We've made some jams before so it's mostly reusing old css rules and iterating on them

Theme isn't obligatory per se, it isn't a voting criteria, but it might affect your overall score of someone who votes and values the theme implementation

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That sounds correct! The purple speed effect also heals you a bit