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A jam submission

Jankenstein's RevengeView game page

RIT Game Dev Club Halloween 2021 Game Jam
Submitted by SlaveOfTheMadFishGod — 53 minutes, 18 seconds before the deadline
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Sacrifice - How did you use the theme?
Although not implemented, the plan was to have multiple levels where at the end of each level, the player had to sacrifice some body part, such as an eye, leg, hand, etc. By sacrificing a body part, the player would take on some stat penalties such as slower moving speed, inaccurate shots, decreased rate of fire, etc. At the moment, there is only one level, and the theme of sacrifice is effectively unimplemented.

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Jam Host

Echoing the sentiment of other commenters, I definitely agree that the concept behind the game and the planned mechanics sounded really cool! While it's a shame you weren't able to implement everything you wanted, I hope you all had fun making the game and maybe even learning new things!


I can see what you were trying to do with this! I think it would've been pretty fun if you had time to implement the body part sacrifice mechanic


Cool game! Too bad that you didn't get to finish your vision, but the music is very nice and I could see how the mechanic would work.