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A member registered Dec 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really great work so far! Here are my biggest concerns:

An "instant restart" button would be really suited to the trial-and-error gameplay you're going for here. For example, pressing "R" to reload the level whenever I screw up and lose the ability to progress would be really great.

I also felt that movement was a little floaty and my character felt too fast and uncontrollable. Tweaking some numbers there might help with the overall feel of the game.

That aside, this is really good stuff! I love the way you're iterating on the core mechanic of decaying tiles.

We've just updated the build with a sensitivity slider!

The little soul guy is so cute, and the core mechanic is such a fun use of the theme and reminds me a lot of Shovel Knight! I challenged myself to get through the game without making sacrifices, and ended up having to replay after falling into a pit at the end :pensive:. Like Chris said, limiting your scope was absolutely the way to go and fullscreen and pausing are definitely not things I'd classify as cheat codes. Additionally, this is just my preference but the controls took a little getting used to. Consider moving jump to W for keyboard controls in a 2D platformer, it's more intuitive than you'd think! 

Same problem here! I think it might have something to do with being a pico-8 game.

This is really aesthetically pleasing! I loved scrambling for objects with that bop on in the background! My major feedback is that I wish sacrifice was more present in the mechanics. As it is, the game is a timed scavenger hunt where the items you need become more scarce over time, which doesn't really make me feel like I'm sacrificing anything. I guess I just wish there was more of a tradeoff or that objects could more clearly be used for multiple scavenge objectives.

Echoing the sentiment of other commenters, I definitely agree that the concept behind the game and the planned mechanics sounded really cool! While it's a shame you weren't able to implement everything you wanted, I hope you all had fun making the game and maybe even learning new things!

Wish I could play spooky cat game :pensive: but I really liked the cat-shaped particle effect!

It may not seem like much, but game jams are great opportunities for learning new things! Congrats on your newly gained knowledge!

I love the art style, it kind of gives me Webkinz vibes in a really good way! Reading the flavor text for the different items was a really good time, but sometimes there would be duplicates among the items on the table. Very cute!

It must've been a lot of work to handle 3 challenges at once, good job! I kind of wish I had to bring the goat back to the fire pit to win, it would've been fun to have that split of first half: get goat, second half: return goat. Overall, nice job handling those challenges!

As expected of a Willops joint, the art is fantastic! I love amassing a horde of zombie minions. While it's pretty simple currently and you can just mash Z to gain a zombie army, there's clearly a lot of potential with tactics related to retreating and advancing on different enemies, especially with the second enemy. I also love having the basic zombie be somebody on their phone, that's a great gag!

(2 edits)

I can't rate it, but this game is super amazing! I love how addictive swinging around feels, and the potential for advanced techniques like curving the web with your mouse is really awesome! Even though the foreground graphics are simple, the mechanics are clearly signposted and very intuitive! I do have some feedback though:

- I'd love to be able to retry in the middle of a level and not just when I've died!

- Sometimes, my web will hit a web-able wall and just pass through it

- A visual cue for when you're moving fast enough to lose limbs would be great!

-  A nitrome-style level select for levels the player has beaten would be a really good quality-of-life feature!

Love the concept, this was a really fun use of the theme!

Thank you!