WeakLeaf here. I am a first timer making a video game!
During development I didn't post here, because I wanted to put my game at a playable state.
The base idea:
I wanted to create a game, where you can make your own train tracks, and your trains will transport goods between different buildings.
So the first step was to make possible to put down rails, then create a locomotive which can move on the rails.
Godot (the engine I am using) has navigation layers, I had to make this pixel-perfect, so when I connect track-tiles the train wont get stuck

In the early stages I used godot's bult-in terrain system, which makes possible to put down rails and then connect the rails the correct way. It was pretty good, but I had to update the nearby tracks in code, also I could only put down on rail at a time which was pretty annoying.

So I switched to Portponky's better-terrain godot plugin, which made possible to "paint" track tiles and quickly change nearby train tiles. Unfortunatly the train cars a little weird compared to the first version, I had a small power outage and lost some of my early work (note: next time I will use a version manager), and I didnt have time to redo that part. You can see the finel version here:
I am pretty satisfied with the end result!
After I finished with the train part I started to create buildings in Aseprite.
I had to create 3-4 state for each building:
- Load: loading items to the building
- Unload: unloading items
- Craft: making and item
- Destroyed
I used a plugin called Isometric Box Generator which made easier to make isometric art.
Because SmokeBox is a fusion between secret government research and a BBQ joint I made the meat and milk farm a little different:
It took a lot of time making all of the buildings, probably because I never really used Aseprite, or any other art software (except Paint).
I wanted to make it simple. So the train has 3 types of cars:
- Train car: in which you can transport food
- Chainsaw car: it has a chainsaw, so you have a longer range to kill enemies. In early development I spawned a lot of enemies, and this item was pretty useful against them, but later I reduced the number of enemies and because of that this item is not very useful.
- Gun car: it has a gun which shoots enemies
I made two other items:
- Ferociously hip: is a very useful upgrade for 30 seconds, increase train speed, and crafting speed
- Cold chicken: I wanted to make something which effect a large area, so why not a cold chicken rain?! I think this is the best item in the game.
Bosses & enemies
A made the goal of each level to feed the bosses with their favourite food. Until then they spawn small enemies which attack the buildings.
I wanted to make something special for each one of them:
- Taxxie will get happier when he gets more and more ketchup
- Jambon has a very long cigarette. The cigarette will spawn enemies. Also Jambon will suck the food via the cigarette. Oh yeah I draw mustache for her. I didnt know she was a girl.. Sorry :D
- Franky getting bigger and bigger, making a tree, which he puts down blocking the road

Anyway, it was a lot of fun making this game, the hardest part was probably continue developing it after a 1 week break.
I learned a lot, and I started the the 2D Godot course on gamedev.tv , so next time hopefully it will be much easier to make a game. Also I probably will update this game when I finish the course, because I want to make it better!