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Crash-landView game page

A short puzzle adventure game about a crashed space man
Submitted by ohshidead — 3 days, 21 hours before the deadline
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Elevator Pitch
A short puzzle adventure game about a crashed
space adventurer

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Honestly a pretty solidly funny game with decent mapping -- the ending honestly cracked me up hard. Mechanically I think the game over's were kind of pointless since the game expects you to save outside everything anyway but it's fine. Aside from that? There's a bit of collision weirdness on the ship at the start of the game (you can walk into the upper 'missing' engine and there are tiling errors in the trees. There's also sprite wrapping errors in the main character's sprite.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I like the point-and-click adventure feel of this one. You had some really good one-liners. I laughed really hard at the line "As if I would take some stranger's bucket" since stealing a bucket was the very first thing I added to my game.

I found a big bug: One of the fights (bat?) wasn't ending correctly when I failed. It just kept destroying the items I tried while continuing the battle. It could soft-lock the game if someone lost an item they need later, and saved after the battle.

Other than that it was just minor things: Some tile passibility. The downward walking animation has some pixels clipping from another frame (I'm guessing that came from the sprite generator?). I also struggled with remembering to double check things I already searched, even though I read the notes at the beginning. I was stuck the longest looking for those dang rocks!

Overall, I had fun. Congrats on finishing your first RPG Maker game, and your first game jam!


Thank you, I'm glad someone got the exact vibe I was going for! Unfortunately my RPG maker trial ran out so I can't fix the bugs hah, so fingers crossed people would be saving beforehand each time and realizing that the battle was supposed end. I'm very glad someone had fun with my work.