Hi everyone, this is the code I use to connect my game to the leaderboard of my lootcreate account. I hope it helps those who use Godot 3 and gives an idea to those who use other engines.
extends Node2D
# Use this game API key if you want to test it with a functioning leaderboard
var game_API_key = "your_apidev key"#dev
var development_mode = true
var leaderboard_key = "name of your leaderboard" #dev
var session_token = "your token leaderboard"
var score = gl.score#autoload
# HTTP Request node can only handle one call per node
var auth_http = HTTPRequest.new()
var leaderboard_http = HTTPRequest.new()
var submit_score_http = HTTPRequest.new()
var set_name_http = HTTPRequest.new()
var get_name_http = HTTPRequest.new()
func _ready():
func _process(_delta):
gl.score = 1000
func _authentication_request():
# Check if a player session has been saved
var player_session_exists = false
var file = File.new()
var player_identifier
if file.file_exists("user://LootLocker.data"):
file.open("user://LootLocker.data", File.READ)
player_identifier = file.get_as_text()
# var player_identifier = file.get_as_text()
file.open("user://LootLocker.data", File.WRITE)
player_identifier = file.get_as_text()
# var player_identifier = file.get_as_text()
if(player_identifier.length() > 1):
player_session_exists = true
## Convert data to json string:
var data = { "game_key": game_API_key, "game_version": "", "development_mode": development_mode }
# If a player session already exists, send with the player identifier
if(player_session_exists == true):
data = { "game_key": game_API_key, "player_identifier":player_identifier, "game_version": "", "development_mode": true }
# Add 'Content-Type' header:
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/json"]
# Create a HTTPRequest node for authentication
auth_http = HTTPRequest.new()
auth_http.connect("request_completed", self, "_on_authentication_request_completed")
# Send request
auth_http.request("https://api.lootlocker.io/game/v2/session/guest", headers, true, HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, to_json(data))
# Print what we're sending, for debugging purposes:
# print("DATA : ",data)
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
func _on_authentication_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body):
var json = JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
if response_code == 200:
# Guarda player_identifier y session_token solo si la autenticación fue exitosa
var file = File.new()
file.open("user://LootLocker.data", File.WRITE)
# Guarda el session_token en la memoria para futuras solicitudes
session_token = json.result.session_token
print("Sesión iniciada. Token: ", session_token)
print("Error en la autenticación: ", response_code, " - ", json.result)
print("JSON RE:",json.result)
func _get_leaderboards():
print("Getting leaderboards")
var url = "https://api.lootlocker.io/game/leaderboards/"+leaderboard_key+"/list?count=10"
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/json", "x-session-token:"+session_token]
# Create a request node for getting the highscore
leaderboard_http = HTTPRequest.new()
leaderboard_http.connect("request_completed", self, "_on_leaderboard_request_completed")
# Send request
leaderboard_http.request(url, headers, true, HTTPClient.METHOD_GET, "")
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
func _on_leaderboard_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body):#SCORE AND COUNTRY
var json = JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
# Print data
print("boardresult: ",json.result)
# Formatting as a leaderboard
var leaderboardFormatted = ""
for n in json.result.items.size():
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].metadata)+str("-")
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].player.name)+str(" id - ")
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].player.id)+str(" - SC:")
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].score)+str(" ")
$hi.text = str("BEST SCORES ONLINE \n",leaderboardFormatted)
$send.visible = false
$name.visible = false
# Clear node
# warning-ignore:shadowed_variable
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
func _upload_score(var score):
gl.name_pl = str($name.text)
# var data = {
# "name":str("master"),
# "score": str(gl.hi),
# "rank":null,
# "metadata":str(gl.country," - ")
# }
var data = {
"score": str(gl.hi),
"metadata":str(gl.country," - ")
print("score send")
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/json", "x-session-token:"+session_token]
submit_score_http = HTTPRequest.new()
submit_score_http.connect("request_completed", self, "_on_upload_score_request_completed")
# Send request
submit_score_http.request("https://api.lootlocker.io/game/leaderboards/"+leaderboard_key+"/submit", headers, true, HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, to_json(data))
# Print what we're sending, for debugging purposes:
print("SEND: ",data)
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
# warning-ignore:unused_argument
func _on_upload_score_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body) :
var json = JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
# Print data
# Clear node
func _change_player_name():
print("Changing player name")
# use this variable for setting the name of the player
var player_n = gl.name_pl
# var data = { "name": str(gl.name_pl) }
var data = { "name": player_n }
var url = "https://api.lootlocker.io/game/player/name"
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/json", "x-session-token:"+session_token]
# Create a request node for getting the highscore
set_name_http = HTTPRequest.new()
# set_name_http.connect("request_completed",self,"_on_leaderboard_request_completed2")
# Send request
# set_name_http.request("https://htjw9peu.api.lootlocker.io/game/player_name", headers,true, HTTPClient.METHOD_PATCH, to_json(data))
set_name_http.request("https://api.lootlocker.io/game/player/name", headers,true, HTTPClient.METHOD_PATCH, to_json(data))
func _on_player_set_name_request_completed(result, response_code, headers, body):
# var json = JSON.new()
# json.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
# # Print data
# print("named ",json.get_data())
# set_name_http.queue_free()
var json = JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
if response_code == 200:
print("Nombre cambiado exitosamente a: ", json.result.name)
print("Error al cambiar el nombre: ", response_code, " - ", json.result)
func _get_only():
print("Getting leaderboards")
var url = "https://api.lootlocker.io/game/leaderboards/"+leaderboard_key+"/list?count=10"
var headers = ["Content-Type: application/json", "x-session-token:"+session_token]
# Create a request node for getting the highscore
leaderboard_http = HTTPRequest.new()
leaderboard_http.connect("request_completed", self, "_check")
# Send request
leaderboard_http.request(url, headers, true, HTTPClient.METHOD_GET, "")
func _check(result, response_code, headers, body):
var json = JSON.parse(body.get_string_from_utf8())
# Print data
# Formatting as a leaderboard
# warning-ignore:unused_variable
var leaderboardFormatted = ""
for n in json.result.items.size():
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].rank)+str(". ")
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].metadata)+str("-")
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].player.id)+str(" - ")
leaderboardFormatted += str(json.result.items[n].score)+str("\n")
if json.result.items[n].score !=0 and n<9:
gl.online +=[json.result.items[n].score]
# Print the formatted leaderboard to the console
# print(leaderboardFormatted)
# Clear node
if gl.hi > gl.online.max():
self.visible = true
func _on_send_pressed():
$hi.visible = true
func _on_leader_pressed():
$hi.visible = true
I hope it helps you because for Godot 3 the lootcreate tutorial is for Godot 4 and there are differences in how to read a json in the tutorial that will give an error in Godot 3. Greetings!