I love the creativity and sensitivity of the horror community! I'm so thrilled to discover what people have come up with to make others uneasy, to surprise and break the rules in new ways.
This scream jam is no exception, and I would love to know more on everyone's creative process :D
Personally, I think horror comes primarily from anticipation of the unknown and secondly by a sense of immediate threat (it could totally be a non existing threat). So immersion really is at the core of my design process. The levels must feel tangible, the controller must feel as real as possible, the sound design has to be rich and creative, the lighting should be well thought too!
The build up and coherence of the experience are essentials too. The more you build up towards the threat, the bigger the anticipation and the payoff is! (you don't even have to have a payoff, the anticipation can often be horror by itself)
The coherence is important because it adds immersion, the player would always feel more engaged in a world that has been designed towards a single goal.
To have a result that feels the most coherent as possible, I try to think of a simple concept, a few words, and apply it to all of the aspects of the game.
For example, for the game we've made during the jam, we used the concept of "alienating job" to think about every aspect of the game. Everyone in the team worked so well to give the best experience possible. I must say I feel really proud of what we did. If you would like to give our game a try, here it is.
Please, tell me about how YOU design horror and feel free to share your games here :)