As a game developer who will participate in the Lisp Game Jam for the first time, I separated a game framework called EON from one of my personal projects.If you are also preparing for the Jam and looking for a new game framework for Common Lisp, EON might be the one. Built upon and cooperating with claw-raylib, EON integrates commonly used facilities in game development, especially old-school style. All interfaces of Raylib, including Raygui, Raymath, and RLGL, can be used alongside EON, making it easy to get started if you are familiar with Raylib. EON provides a rich set of features for game development, such as asynchronous support, asset and audio management, proper screen and viewport abstractions, scene and GUI systems, particle effect systems, Tiled map renderer, and more. You can refer to the examples and cheatsheet of Raylib to learn its interfaces and familiarize yourself with the usage of EON by exploring the eon-examples. APIs of EON are subject to change as the project is still under development.