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Looking for card artist!

A topic by CodderDude created Jun 09, 2020 Views: 190 Replies: 5
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(1 edit)

I'm looking for an artist that can help with drawing cards for a card game. Any aesthetic will do,from pixelart to hyper-realism (except maybe not hyper-realism). I haven't quite come up with the cards yet, but they'll be done soon.  Message me on itch or discord (Egg#4280 )(let me know if you can't find me using this, I'm new to discord)

I'm not an artist so i can't help you, but to add your profile on Discord, we need your tag + #4280 (for example, CodderDude#4280)



You can also join the PIGSquad Discord at and post in the #gamejam channel for some added visibility!


I'd love to draw your card art. 
I sent you a friend request on Discord.