I'm Claire Barton (obv) and you can see my twitter @paxclara if that's your jam. I'm making a game for sweets jam and we need a composer.
Game description:
Basically, it's a pinball adventure game starring two girls who are dating. One of the two, Endi, wants to ask out this girl she keeps seeing at a coffee/pastry shop kinda thing, but she's kind of a social chicken so she makes her more stalwart girlfriend come for moral support.
Each of the girls has a sugar meter and a skill they can use when their sugar meter is sufficiently filled, and each of them controls one of the two pinball flippers. So it's a six button game (two flippers, two skills, two tilts), and the adventure elements come into play in finding hidden scenes or alternative takes on scenes based on how you play the pinball game, or alternative paths through levels, or bumping a girl in the level enough until she gets pissy and throws a fit. Stuff like that.
It's basically intended as a prototype, prologue, or first iteration of a bigger project I'm working on, to try to figure out the rough edges of the gameplay and have an example of what the end goal is to point to in marketing, or if we try to do a crowdfunding effort (which will fail but whatever.) THAT game isn't about sweets or relationships (really), and it's a giant game I don't want to make in three months anyway. Still, the game itself kind of informs this game, so: It's kind of a take-down or queer reinterpretation of loli games like touhou or whatever; most of the characters are in Lolita fashion and based on simplistic designs, but have a lot more nuance in how they act instead of one-note shitty characters. The game itself is about how society forces its members into specific, narrow roles, based on overly simplistic criteria. It's also a pinball adventure game. But this is just a prototype, so it's a much sillier, smaller game, about poly relationships and trying to ask people out when you have anxiety.
Right now it's just me, the writer/artist, and my co-owner (Brandon), the programmer (We made this game together, which isn't quite done, and is a completely different type of game, but w/e). So right now all we want is a composer. Maybe an artist later to help with some assets or some character design. Not sure yet. But if you're an artist, and you could and would enjoy working in the style shown below, lemme know if you're interested.
If we like working together, we also need a composer for the game we're making that this is a first iteration of.
I don't really have any direction ideas on what I want the game to sound like. I'm kind of imagining it being along these lines for cutscenes, and maybe like this for the pinball parts. Which is really only to say I want something light and fluffy, since the game itself is predominantly silly.
You can make as much or little music as you like, in whatever style you want (as long as I like the style, I mean.). If it makes any money, which isn't the point because it's a game jam game, we can talk about profit sharing based on how much work you want to do. It'll just be a pwyw thing, obviously.
Here's a few examples of what the art style is like. Like I said, it's a prototype to another game, which is kind of a take-down of loli games and/or queer reinterpretation, so I just doubled down on that for character designs and put everyone in lolita. Lolita fashion already goes hand in hand with sweets, anyway; and it's cute af.
Anyway let me know if you're interested or have any questions.