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A member registered Dec 23, 2015 · View creator page →

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Likewise! This is gonna be awesome.

bi5, indeed.

Not really relevant as you're not looking for a programmer, but I just wanted to say that I love your idea, your rationale, and your approach to this game.

Good luck! I have no doubt that it's gonna turn out great.

I was actually thinking of Ren'Py as soon as you said visual novel. No better tool for the job. I'll start going over the documentation. :)

(1 edit)

Sounds like y'all could use a programmer. :)

I posted this thing earlier. Sentient candy sounds potentially awesome. Are you picturing something more in the vein of Candyland's candy people or Crying Breakfast Friends' food with faces? Or something that spans the gap, like Adventure Time's Candy Kingdom?

I'm a programmer! Not an experienced game programmer, though. I posted a thing.

Hey folks,

I was until recently a software developer (mostly backend web, with some system/GUI development in Java and C++). Now I'm trying to break into indie game dev. I'm still very new to game development—I have yet to actually finish a game. Working in a team keeps me focused, though. Plus, I won't get hung up over my bad art if someone else is doing the art. ;)

I've been dabbling with libGDX, MonoGame, and Phaser.js. I'd consider picking up RenPy or Unity for this, too.

As a bonus, I am actually a queer woman. Queer relationships are totally my jam.