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Questions? Sticky

A topic by shiftBacktick created Dec 14, 2023 Views: 43
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HostSubmitted (10 edits)

Hello! I’m your host and here to help. Please let me know if you have any questions about the jam.

Here are some common questions I’ve received from other jams that I’ve hosted:

Question: Is there a Discord server?
Yes! It’s here:

Question: What is the theme?
SYNTH jam has no theme. Please wow us with a noisemaker made with love.

Question: Are there restrictions on team size?
No. Please team up with as many folks as you’d like.

Question: Does my submission need to be blind-friendly?
Not necessarily. However, please be aware that some folks in my community need assistance to see the screen. To receive ratings from as many folks as possible, please consider accessibility when building your submission.

Question: Can I submit something I made before the jam?
No. Your submission must be made during SYNTH jam.

Question: Can I submit something to multiple jams?
Of course! You may submit to any jams that allow this too.

Question: Can I use existing code, assets, etc.?
At your discretion. Do not use copyrighted assets without permission. Please be respectful toward folks who built their submissions entirely within the jam period.

Question: Can I submit an EXE, ROM, VST, etc.?
Yes. Beware that submissions that aren’t playable in the browser may receive fewer ratings.

Question: Can my submission contain strong language, adult themes, etc.?
You do you. Hateful submissions will be removed. Please be kind to your fellow jammers and judges.

Question: Can I submit early?
Yes, please do! This lets us know about your project so we can follow your progress if you share frequent builds or devlogs.

Question: Can I submit late?
Yes. I’ll open a thread for late submissions when we get closer. Beware that late submissions may receive fewer ratings.

Question: Can I update during the rating period?
At your discretion. Please be respectful toward folks who completed their work within the deadline.

Question: Can I make changes after the rating period?
Of course! And please let us know when you’ve released a substantial update.

Question: How can I be successful?
Make something you love, drink water, take breaks, and be kind.