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Would you like a Discord?

A topic by Hugh Lashbrooke created Sep 12, 2023 Views: 127 Replies: 4
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The topic title says it all - would a Discord server for discussing tabletop game tool development be something you would be interested in joining?

The Discord server would initially be for this jam and would continue beyond that as a place for people who develop tools, templates, and platforms to meet and chat about their work and all things related to it.

Let me know in the comments here if you would be keen to join a Discord server like that and if there's enough interest, I'll get it going.


I'd like a Discord server for TTRPG dev resources, whether or not it's attached to a particular game jam. (Because my current 60+ Discord servers are obviously not enough.)

Yes. :)


Great! I'll get it set up - I'm going on leave for this week before the jam, so will do it after that. 


Discord server is live! You can join the Tabletop Tools Discord server here: