Thread for discussion of verb/noun (e.g. TAKE LAMP) or complex parser (ASK RANGER ABOUT THE BEAST) preferences.
Definitely multi-word parser, but I'll try my best to allow implicit actions. For example, if you enter UNLOCK DOOR without specifying which key and you have the right key in your possession, it will respond '(with the brass key)', then proceed to unlock the door as if you had said UNLOCK THE DOOR WITH THE BRASS KEY. I think this is the best of both worlds and makes it easier for newcomers.
That depends on the engine you're using and the grammar that you've defined for the pattern matching. The first example boils to a verb phrase, direct noun phrase, preposition and indirect noun phrase. Most engines can handle that. 'blah' would cause most parsers to spit the dummy and print an error message. I think Adventuron omits any words it doesn't recognise and continues as though the word wasn't there.