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I am not a Christian, but I wanna learn more... (parable indication)

A topic by AllanOvelha created 7 days ago Views: 33 Replies: 1
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I am not a christian for saying, but I am very interested to learn more about it! does any one have a entry level parable to indicate me? One that could be interesting for a game would be vary handy.
 Or, can I take a parable from any religion that isn't christiam related? If not, that is fine! Just wanna know.
Much apreciate it ! :D


You can't really go wrong with any on the list. As far as "entry level," I think that there are two approaches. One is to listen to the parable with no explanation, like the original audience did. It's a bit like a riddle, so sitting with a parable that you don't immediately understand is part of the experience. Many parables came in sets: here is a set from Matthew 13:
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it."

You can immediately get the sense of what is being said, but with no context, there's a bit of ambiguity.

Of course, right before those two, there is a famous parable that comes with an explanation right after: The parable of the sower. If you want to see a parable being told, and then see the interpretation, that is the best place to go.

Finally, I enjoy The parables of the lost things.  This is a set of parables that increase in complexity and detail as they go on. The last one is pretty well known, but I think that the journey of walking through all three leads to a greater reiteration of the main idea - a bit like a song or poem repeating a refrain.