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A member registered Apr 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Whoops, Good catch! Should be fixed now.

(1 edit)

Ok, that art is incredible! I love the way the bridges crumble when you shoot them, super satisfying :)

I have a few control scheme options in my notes. I'd like to add mouse follow, as well as stick/arrow follow (point in the direction of the controller stick).

I just checked, and the site is still up (at least I could see it). I do probably need to update it a little, though. Was it down for you?

I have some tentative plans to use this as a platform for more tests/experiments. The main goal was comparing Godot 3 and 4 (the game was made for the video), so I'm not planning on making a complete Minecraft clone out of it. It is open source, though, so anything's possible :)

Good question, I hadn't actually counted until now, but it turns out there are 195 in total (as of this 1.0.0 release). There were a variety of sources, some were complete nonsense (monkeys), some were funny quotes from the Internet (fortune cookies), and others were just me sitting down and trying to craft and individual narrative for each "character" in the game. Some are meant to be funny on their own, but others are meant to provide humor through juxtaposition.

Writing all of the different posts was the largest part of this project, just due to the sheer volume of content needed for it not to feel too repetitive.

I made it to this room, but couldn't get past (30-50 attempts). To be clear, I'm not great at precision platformers, so that's partially the issue. The dash mechanic hadn't been officially introduced, so I'm assuming that the level is beatable without it, but I was getting stuck even with it. The main thing I noticed is that the spikes have a very large and unforgiving hitbox, I kept clipping them on the corners.

I love the updates on this one! I remember playing the last version, it's cool seeing how far it's come. I do feel like the difficulty ramp is quite steep, I wasn't able to get too far.

Honestly, this fits the theme about as well as half the games I played, you just forgot to mention that "it's pretty chaotic" in the game description! I was curious enough that I played all the way to the end. And, yeah, that was exactly how I remembered Portal 2 ending ;D

Really nice concept! I was a bit confused at first, I made some "juicy" sounding headlines, but it said underneath that they were "weak." I eventually ran one, and it made a lot of money. Does "weak" mean yellow journalism, or is that supposed to indicate that the article isn't likely to do well?

I played for a lot longer than I was expecting that I would, connecting different articles to see what it comes up with was quite fun. I actually stopped playing because the UI was difficult, there were a couple of buttons that were really difficult to click on.

That was great! Thank you so much for including controller support, my gamepad has been sitting uselessly for the past week. I play my Game Jam games on an older system, and the flame thrower in particular caused a lot of lag. Also, this is controller-specific feedback, but I found aiming rather difficult when I had full 360-degree rotational freedom. Maybe a little aim correction would help? I understand the desire to force the player to face the direction that they are moving, a twin-stick shooter would have had a very different difficulty level.

Visuals were great, the audio wasn't too repetitive, and the particles, effects, and general polish were top-notch. This was probably my favorite game of the jam so far.

You nailed the look on this game! I enjoyed the music and opening narration, though I had to check the game page to figure out how to start. I did hit the "one more take" button after my first death and got into a state where my character was dead, but controllable. I could slide him around like this, but not shoot.

Nice job! You implemented a simple game concept really well. I think that some "game juice" would go a long way (screen shake, sound effects, particle effects, etc.). But the art was good, it made immediate sense, and it felt fair when I lost a heart.

(1 edit)

Fun and interesting concept. It would have been nice to have a downloadable version for this game, I had a lot of lag with all of those broken pot shards flying around. Also, never found the TV, even though it was on the objective. But smashing everything was fun and cathartic, and the music was perfect.

Nice job, that was really well put together. I had fun, but it was a bit too hard for me to get far. I think that the dynamic difficulty was a really cool idea, but it might have been nice to have an easy mode at half the speed for people like me.

Fun and interesting, though it was quite chaotic and difficult to keep up!

I liked the idea, shooting to move was really fun. One major complaint is that you can run out of your primary ammo. Maybe I missed something, but when that happened, the game stopped for me, and there was nothing I could do to progress. If this is a loose condition, it might be nice to put up a game over screen when it happens.

Thanks for the feedback! This was actually a 5 hour sleep-deprived journey after a larger game failed. You are the first person to mention that the main mechanic is uninteresting. I totally agree! It is really interesting how most people overlook that when I added some humor to it. I'm doing a small update then moving on, but there were definitely some cool lessons learned here.

I'm glad that it was relatable!

Nice job on the concept, that was a unique game experience. I appreciated the sound effects, and I liked the OUT THE DOOR! chaos event. Nice touch :-)

Nice game. The 3d models were good, but as other said, it was way too dark. I spent a lot of time wondering why I was dying because someone had snuck up behind me. 

That looked and felt great! Only issue would be that walking kinda becomes useless when you get the gun since the kickback is so high. I was able to beat it on my second run, and I did have a lot of fun doing so.

Nice game. It seemed quite well polished visually, but the NPCs weren't very distract-able. It would be cool to see where you could take this with more than one week. 

Hey all, I noticed that there are a lot of threads specifically asking for ratings. There is also a megathread where you can submit your game for ratings to push it over the hump. But there are a lot of people who are just barely short. 

Go to the submission tab and sort by "Most Rated, then scroll down. If you zoom out so there are 7 games per column, then right now, the line between 20 ratings and 19 ratings can be found by pressing "page down" exactly 23 times :D

There are currently only 5 games with 19 ratings, but a lot more with 18. It only takes two people to move the line by one or two rows. About a third of all entries currently have 20 or more ratings. Another third need FIVE OR LESS ratings. With your help, we might be able to qualify half, or even two-thirds of all entries! Let's all do our part to MOVE THAT LINE!

And, yes, you all should play my game... after the jam. I'm currently above the line, and someone needs your rating more than I do!

10/10, we used the exact same graphics library! That was fun, but I did find it a bit annoying when every new weapon automatically equipped itself, it's not too hard to get hold of a gun, and I ended up with dozens of knives pretty quickly.

The death animations were pretty funny, and I liked the destructible environment.

I really enjoyed the superhot time mechanics on this one. The preservation of player momentum was a bit of a bummer, though. I often pressed one direction key and found myself moving in a different direction instead. If I have superhuman perception skills, it would be nice to have reflexes to match.

I did enjoy getting to use the extinguisher, and I was able to get fairly far with some practice. I think that slowing time was a really good way to tame the chaos. (I didn't read all the instructions at first, and it was completely impossible to play at full speed)

Really well done! I enjoyed the art style, subtle camera angle, and relaxing audio

This was fun, though it got quite a bit easier when I realized that the brown bounders aren't actually able to hurt you. It might be cool if you could jump on them like a platform so they weren't just decoration.

The music was nice, and I thought the sound effects worked well. I would love to be able to fight back, even if it was just a temporary power up like pac-man. Running and escaping with no down time does get tiring.

Nice game, but not having a skip option on the dialogue is rough, particularly after I have to restart. I did enjoy the explosions, though

10/10, feels like a Monday.

Smashed a glass door while my boss was watching. "You have been fired for suspicious behavior." Lol

Fun game, I liked the simple graphics.

I feel like I discovered a speedrunner strategy using the double-jump mechanic, and I had way more fun with it that I was expecting. Simple concept, but great execution. I just wish that there were a few more sound effects, maybe whenever the ball hits something or bounces in the air.

That was really good for a first submission! I think that the platforming was good, and the gravity made sense, but it often made enemy attacks impossible to dodge. I feel like it would have been a little more fair if either I had unlimited ammo (I noticed that bullets will collide with enemy bullets),  if there was a double-jump or fast fall option, or if I could aim in more than two directions.

Even so, I was able to get through the first stage and get fairly far into the second.

It took me quite a while to realize that you could move in the center of the square... Fun concept, but I felt like there was never enough water.  That may have been the point, though.

I haven't danced like that since college...

That was a fun game. I wonder if hand-generated levels would give it more of a puzzle element, though. I feel like I was guaranteed to win, it just might take a little dancing to get there.

Overall, that was a really good level of polish, and the audio was perfect.

I really enjoyed the sound effects! I feel like the camera was too tight, I found it nearly impossible to react to the obstacles. Overall, it was a funny premise, and a really nice level of polish.

Thanks for playing. I'll take a look at yours

Hopefully buggy in a contained way 🤞 Thanks for playing