We (CraftLord and I) noticed that the forum has gotten inactive. So to make it more active, we thought it would be a good idea to post an update of our game. Maybe this will inspire others to do the same.
Project description
RTS-Lord (temporary name) is going to be a retro RTS. Some examples of retro RTS are: Warcraft 1, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft. Our current goals for the project is to make it possible to select, create units and build structures.
Tech used
- C++14
- Raylib
- Entity Component System by David Colson
It is possible to select 2 units and make them move to a certain location. The map is generated via a png image, it creates a 32x32 tile based on the pixels of the image. There is also a basic version of a mini map.
We wanted to create a grid system to base the movement of units on. This didn't work, because the grid system we used broke our game.
Future planning
We plan to implement a grid system that works. If the grid is implemented, we want to use the A* Algorithm for pathfinding. We also want to expand the functionalities of the mini map.