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Magno de Morais published a tool 2 years ago
A downloadable tool for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
It's a software application that can get all .obj files from a folder (it's recursive, so if you have subfolders it will get those ones too) and import them in a spatial scene or a tileset resource. The default names the program creates are...
Hypervoid updated a Editor 2 years ago
A browser Editor made in HTML5.
Updated page content.
3 new images
Hypervoid published a Editor 2 years ago
A browser Editor made in HTML5.
PixelGrid is a WIP Pixel art editor For Drawing 16x16 Pixel Art on Your Smartphone. It does not works on PC and Supports Touchscreen devices only. ** IT DOES NOT SUPPORTS PC. MEANT FOR SMARTPHONES ONLY ** Known Issues/Bugs: Currently You ca...