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A topic by DiceAndRamen created May 14, 2023 Views: 152 Replies: 4
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How do you create a screenshot resembling playing cards on a surface? 

I noticed many submissions have the cards on display and I can't think of what to search for instructions to make a simulated card spread. 

Any insight would be great.

Thank you.


I make my digital card spreads by using a photo of a tabletop, either a stock photo or one I've taken, then layer the card images on top of that, at angles. I also add a drop shadow to the card images. I've used Photoshop and/or Canva for my layouts. 

Sometimes I also print the cards out, cut them, and take a photo of them on a flat surface. I use two copies of the card to do this so I can show the front and back at the same time.


awesome! Thank you!

I'd also recommend GraphicRiver for this. Depending on the program you use, there are different templates for making these kind of hero shots (also works for zines, etc):
I'd also recommend GraphicRiver for this. Depending on the program you use, there are different templates for making these kind of hero shots (also works for zines, etc):