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A Sample Custom Theme

A topic by Adventuron created Feb 06, 2020 Views: 73
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Host (2 edits)

For informational purposes, here is a quick theme I put together using the Orbiter font (font by Damien Guard):

To see fully right click image, then click "Open Image in New Tab"

To use this code snippet, you must first import the Orbiter font using the guide shown here, then copy and past this snippet. The start_theme must replace the existing start_theme line.

start_theme = rounded_orbit
themes {
   rounded_orbit : theme {
      extends = two
      theme_settings {
         font           = userfont_orbiter
         capitalization = original
         layout         = SB O X 
         columns        = 48
         shader         = none
      system_messages {
         object_list_header       = "Here: "
         exit_list_header_concise = "Can Go: "
      screen {
         experimental_paper_section_corner_rounding = 5
         status_bar_padding_top                     = 4
         status_bar_padding_bottom                  = 3
      colors {
         story_pen                   = #fff
         border                      = #026
         paper                       = #000
         status_bar_paper            = #933
assets {
   fonts {
      // Import the orbiter font here first before pasting the theme ....