that fire effect DAMNNNN
and the fact you fit in not just red fire, but BLUE fire, AND change the ball's fire color when hit by each player
Absolutely wondeful!
How many characters of code did you use?
Include your code here, if you'd like to show it off!
b=128x=32y=64w=-3h=-3p=64a=64m,d=mid,10r,c=rectfill,0s={0,0}::_::fillp()for _=1,999do u,z=rnd(92)+18,rnd(b)circ(u,z,1,max(pget(u,z)-2))end circfill(x,y,3,7+c)rect(17,-1,111,129)r(p-d,120,p+d,115,7)r(a-d,8,a+d,13,8)?s[2],6,54,7
n,t=x+w,btn()x=m(20,n,108)w=n==x and w or -w
a+=c==1and 0or(a>x and-2or 2)flip()if(y>112and x==m(p-d,x,p+d))y,h,c=111,-h,0
if(y<15and x==m(a-d,x,a+d))y,h,c=16,-h,1
goto _
that fire effect DAMNNNN
and the fact you fit in not just red fire, but BLUE fire, AND change the ball's fire color when hit by each player
Absolutely wondeful!
Nice core mechanics and very slick effects! I did come across a bug, in that I left my paddle in the center and it somehow never missed the ball, it just kept endlessly scoring.
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