Hey guys! I'm Monica Prunier, aka Darkovika. I participated in the 2015 TyranoBuilder game jam, which had been a month long, and although I didn't win I did get a lot of out of the experience.
This time around the topic is "Fresh Start", which actually hit really close to home for me for some reason. I knew what I wanted to make right off the bat.
I won't be posting my Devlog here, I may post it in the Steam forum or on the game page itself if I just outright make one. I may also do a series of youtube devlog videos, depending, and either upload them as I go or upload them one by one at the end, once the game is released.
My biggest concern is the time limit. 30 minutes seems so long, yet also seems so short- from experience, I know it's daunting in the beginning and then frustrating toward the end, as you think "THERE ISN'T ENOUGH TIME FOR MY GAME".
I'm a Programmer by trade, so my art isn't going to be the best on the block, but for my idea I think it'll be fine.
Good luck to everyone!