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Ebriosus Beati

A member registered Mar 09, 2017 · View creator page →

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Ah, I see. I'll see what I can do, thanks for letting me know.

It's really nice and colorful, love it!

Note: your game is HUGE, and it seems like a majority of the file size is from your audio. I checked the BGM folder and it seems you have two copies of each song (one m4a, and one ogg) - you should delete the copies that the game isn't using to cut down on the game size. I suggest you keep and use the m4a files since they're smaller compared to their ogg counterparts.

Okay. Can you be more specific on the jankiness? Like are the controls unresponsive, or does she move too slowly, etc etc. I'll see what I can do about the attack range.

I don't use Macs too often either, but the app I found to be the closest (at least for now) to MS Paint on a Mac is called Paintbrush. Give it a shot: https://paintbrush.sourceforge.io/

Okay, thank you. Since Saturn hasn't responded yet, I'll take your advice and submit it via your tumblr link. I'll just submit a v0.00 or whatever entry to the jam now anyhow and update it with something more substantial in a few days.

I'm also (somewhat) in the same predicament as violinistsMetronome. I wanted to contact you so I could get that 5 days after the jam to complete my entry, but I couldn't find your contact info; I don't have a tumblr account and don't know how to use Discord, so I can't use these.

Would it be okay if I were to submit an incomplete version of my entry before the deadline, then update it with a newer version post-jam?

I tried the game on my Windows 98 laptop, and it was fun! Loved the PC speaker sounds (destroyed my ears, as usual). I didn't know what to do after killing all of the bandits, though. Here's a screenshot:


Tried this on my Windows 98 laptop. It was great! I missed those ear-piercing PC speaker sounds. Got stuck after beating Tinhoso though. Here's a screenshot:

Hi HienFan,

It's still not working. I get an error handler when I run the .exe file. Was it compiled properly?

The VN had a pretty interesting story, and the characters were fascinating. I must confess, though: there were a couple of times where I thought the game was about to go R18.

The art and animation looked awesome!

"I'm not talking to you anymore."

But Why?!

Pretty neat game.

Those dialogues, and that blunt, simple ending just made lol for some reason.

Really cute, and great mini games!

This game was cute! Curious: if I talk to someone 100 times or something, will they say something interesting?

Thank you!

I'm glad that you enjoyed the game. Yes - the cursor is quite big, and it's a little hard to click on the objects with it. This will be remedied in a later update. Please look forward to future updates, there will be even more ways to die. :)

What a pleasant story. Lina was a such a cute, bratty tsundere. I love the use of traditional painting medium for the graphics; the paintings of the food also made me really hungry, lol. I wish there was some music accompanying the game, though...

(2 edits)

Libra By @ebriosusbeati . Play > https://ebriosus.itch.io/libra

Thank you very much.


Evaluating my entry for the jam at this point, it seems like if I give player branching choices, the VN will last for more than an hour. By removing choices, it'll roughly meet the 30-minute mark, but it'll become a kinetic novel.

Will I be docked points if my VN is a kinetic novel?


Yukon: I understand; it wouldn't be fair if I got preferential treatment. I just wrapped up my entry, albeit with huge cuts. I'll have to finish it post jam as you suggest; I really just wished I finished the entire game for the jam itself. :(

Luiz, I definitely feel your pain! Dx

If I recall, older versions of older Game Maker can export to Windows executable files. Is there some weird error you're having?

(1 edit)

I'm about 75% done with my game, but I was wondering if it's possible to extend the jam by a couple of extra hours? I know the jam rules say not to suggest anything that would make changes to the rules, but I could really use an extra 2 or so hours. Thanks.

Hi Darkovika. Thanks to you, I was able to learn how to use TyranoBuilder in one evening from your YouTube tutorials. I hope you keep up the great work, and good luck to you in the contest, too!