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Looking to make a Team

A topic by TK Creations created May 29, 2021 Views: 277 Replies: 6
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Hi everyone, I wanna make a game for this game jam with a small team if possible. I'm a game designer (also a generalist) so I would love to collab with some people, get some experience working in a team making a game. If you're interested just reply here and we can chat on Discord.

Hi, I make video game music and sound effects :)

Thats awesome I don't meet many sound engineers, you can got a Discord so we can message each other when possible?

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey, I'm a 3D/2D artist and I want to join a team too : YoramDev#1859

(1 edit)

Cool I've sent my requests to both of you. After that I can send you an invite to the server I made so we can chat easily during the game jam.


all the best :)

Since there was a mixup, if anyone is a sound engineer and wanting to join our team, that would be dope.