In the rules says not mindlessly killing vampires which is what Blade does is there possibility to negotiate this to the extent that the judges are ok with?
Blade is technically a half vampire, so I say Blade-like heroes can be a part of this jam.Vampires kill each other all the time, but they are rarely represented as mindless creatures like zombies. When they kill each other is for matter of politics, power, or love.
The rule basically means "give players a vague motivation for killing vampires, don't make it a mere power fantasy". How you interpret it is up to you!
Also this jam doesn't have judges, so I can't really stop you from disregarding the rules anyway. Go on. Live your best life. Rebelling to society is part of being a vampire, after all.
So my game idea is a parody of interview with Vampire
It will be Interview with THE BLADE.
Short story Blade has decided to stop his eternal life of hate studied to get a degree in psicology and now tries to help vampires to fit into society, long way his days of slaying are help Blade not snap in his sessions.
Here is small progress on the office.