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Dead last...

A topic by Poop Dollar created Apr 17, 2022 Views: 56 Replies: 1
Viewing posts 1 to 2

Dead last again... Well almost. Can anyone give me some advice to improve my scores? This is my second music jam placing close to last and I'd like some notes more than just "sounds good" or "work on the lead". The comments left were not helping or indicative of my overall rating in the slightest... Please don't leave comments if you're just going to say "wow sounds cool" it doesn't help me. TEAR ME APART >:(


Well, I think Blue Lava's suggestion (if I understood it correctly) to have the rhythm of the melody match the underlying rhythm would be a good start. I can't say I know why people vote the way they do, but your entry had quite a density of sound, so that might have influenced it (mine did too, and I scored low).