A sincere thank you to every participant and everyone who cheered us on! Minus some technical difficulties, I believe since this beats our previous submission record, it could be considered the Best YeegJam Yet™️!
Voting is now open! If you participated in the jam, you are strongly encouraged to rate other games. If you have not participated, we would still love your feedback! Our participants worked hard to make their games and I'm sure they would love to hear your feedback. If you participated, but were unable to finish your game before the deadline, drop a link to your game (finished or otherwise) in
this thread whether you're looking for feedback or just want to share how far you got. Voting will close one week from now.
Again, thank you to everyone who participated in the jam. For many of us, game jams are a chance to really hone our craft and push ourselves to the limit skill-wise. YeegJam is my semi-bi-yearly excuse to actually finish a project, so I'm glad we could see it through to the end!
See you next year!
- Apollogeist / Owen Z