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Brainstorming ideas for a zine I want to finish and a zine I want to start

A topic by jonzye created Feb 17, 2024 Views: 185 Replies: 11
Viewing posts 1 to 9

so I don’t think I am going to be able to finish a new zine before the end of this thing, but I do want to finish the zine I’ve been working on for the past year.

either way I think I kind of want to do some brainstorming some ideas here and possibly get some feedback. 

The zine I’m almost done with is a zine for troika that includes 6 backgrounds, 3 monsters, a mechanic for shared housing including a sheet for furnishings your character’s bedroom and maybe some random tables if I can think of some tables that fit the theme. 

As for a new zine I have a couple of ideas I’m thinking about but here’s the short list

  • A zine critical about AI generative image and writing. Might be beating a dead horse but something I don’t see a lot of people talking about is how the people who employ artists and writers will inevitably use it as leverage to undervalue their work even if it’s undeniable that ai generative text can’t completely cut out the need for artists. I’m hesitant because it’s a research heavy subject and I don’t know if I want to commit to that right now.
  • A stream of consciousness collage and illustration kind of thing in an effort to use up some of my art supplies and magazines. Minimal thought, just slapping a bunch of shit on paper and then scanning the result. The theme coming out organically. Obviously no time on research and bonus for being able to use my hands but since it would require me to have time to sit at my desk I disturbed for hours at a time and i don’t really want to get into why I am doubtful I can get that.
  • A zine about strange LA landmarks to use for ttrpgs. A collection of weirder LA landmarks with encounters to use for TTRPGs. Places like Clifton’s Cafeteria, Wats Tower, the velaslavasay panorama and the Brewery art colony. Alternatively something similar but using now defunct punk music venues such as Al’s Bar, the Masque,  The Smell, safari sams and the like. This seems the most likely tbh. Make it reminiscent of zines like Slash Magazine

these are all great but I especially love the last one. I’ve been using atlas obscura for inspiration creating cool and unique items but obviously the site is a wealth of locations and visiting those in fiction could be really cool 


I think my interest with this idea started with the fact that my parents actually met at the now defunct Al’s bar. Also a place I used to go closed, most recently the California Institute of Abnormal Arts which it’s claim to fame was having a small, Ripley’s Believe it or Not  sponsored sideshow which included the mummified remains of a clown in full regalia.

maybe make it compatible with Hell Night but also usable for other TTRPGs that can conceivably take place in LA like…. Vampire the masquerade. 


Posted this in the Troika discord but some things relating to the Troika zine I'm working on.

I am finally fleshing out the mechanics of my "Shared Apartment Living" section of the slice of life "TTRPGS as anthropomorphic character backgrounds" zine I've been threatening to make for the past year and I may need some feedback as though I am comfortably familiar with troika's rules, I've yet to play. so there are some things I may need some outside opinions on.

First thing, though the currency of Troika isn't set in stone as far as value, I currently have a 1 bedroom apartment listed as 100 SP a month with 25 SP for each additional room, and leaving the value of furnishings up to the GMs and Players.

The other thing I was not sure of is that part of the purpose of the room is that using one's room for resting (stamina and luck recovery) has a bonus dependent on the furnishings, Stamina being tied to the bed and Luck being tied to decorations respectively (Each decoration providing +1 to luck recovery). I was wondering if I should mention or at least suggest a cap for a maximum recovery for either as decorations can be numerous and in-theory, whatever a PC uses to sleep/rest in can be as amazing quality as desired.


I realized that part of the zine started becoming a criticism of moe culture and I had to walk myself back a bit and say “no this isn’t necessary, just because you’re writing cosmic horror doesn’t mean you need a disclaimer reminding people that HP lovecraft was racist…”


I think instead of being too wordy I am going to introduce the characters like this

i will admit that i had forgotten about the zine, and now I won't have enough time to start on it 😔


I think it's still valuable enough to get started on something rather than worry about some arbitrary deadline. I have been working on this zine for a year and I have come to realize that no amount of "setting aside time" for it will ever guarantee that said time comes uninterrupted so it's best just to work on it and either just do whatever work I can whenever I have time or just.... make time.

and trust me I know that making time is easier said than done... I think the people who say that usually don't get that making time means that you have to tell someone that you have to make less time for them which is hard when the thing you're making time for is a personal project. Like it's easy to justify time when it has to do with "Work" or "family" but when it comes to doing something that's mostly for you like making something, it both comes with that weird feeling that you're somehow being selfish and if you're surrounded by people who don't really believe in the idea that your time belongs to you it's just.... hard...

Either way you just have to make time. Even if occasionally that means wrestling your time away from people who think they're entitled to all of your unaccounted time. even if they'll make you feel guilty about it.


also it means not necessarily worrying about arbitrary deadlines.


I figured out what I am doing for the final part. I'd still like to figure out some good random tables for this zine because I love me some good random tables, but as far as the dungeon I am doing an abandoned water park filled with ghosts and yokai.

Why a waterpark?.... i mean you got to have a swimsuit episode. 

The waterpark is a condemned water park inspired by places like the defunct Action Park disney's Blizzard Beach and the bugs life area that used to be in california adventure. It's a bug themed water park where you can be a bug filled with dilapidated animatronic bug mascots that work the badly aging and dangerous attractions. The park is set to be condemned and rebuilt into a safer and saner experience but the construction crew refuses to go in due to all the drowned ghosts, the overzealous mascots and a gang of plucky and delinquent teenaged kappa that have turned the few accessible parts of the park into their home base.

So far I have a handful of locations as well as 4 factions with conflicting interests. This is the first time I'm making a dungeon with factions in mind so it's been giving me some good ideas.


I think before the deadline I'm going to provide a preview of the zine with 2 of the completed backgrounds as well as the rules outlining apartment living and saving the other backgrounds, NPCs and the adventure for the final zine. 

In addition to a PDF, the final version will have an Epub version which so far has been a little janky. needless to say I haven't had time to do proofreading myself but I got a friend who offered me to do some proofreading so there's that.


Well since I got a ways to go for this zine I submitted a fee preview of some of my pages in progress. The final zine will have some changes and I'll apply those changes to the preview but yah. Hopefully my pain will end.