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Really satisfying when you get a perfect jump on the first try. Also really frustrating to mess up your jump for the 5th time in a row! For such a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere, I was getting more frustrated than I want to admit lol. 

I absolutely love the animation and movement of the fish, but sometimes that would lead to him doing a twirl and sharp turn if he gets too close to the cursor near the surface, and then he'd jump out of the water to his demise. Another case was when the camera suddenly zooms out near a transition point and makes your cursor aim in a slightly different direction. My speedrun lasted about 8 min before I had to throw in the towel, a checkpoint or two past the waterfall section.

A few things that might have made it more fun would be not losing the speed boosts you get — making them a part of the overall progression rather than mini puzzles, or having a slightly higher base move speed without them so you could get to the first boost again faster after respawning. Another would be having slight directional input you can do while airborne to give a little more leniency, cus some of the jumps were super precise and felt like I was just off by a hair and had no way of correcting a mistake by a few degrees.

Really gorgeous art and nice ambiance with the sound design! I also really loved the water shader effect underwater. Very nice work!