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A member registered Mar 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hahah i love the cursor 👃

Really nice aesthetic to the background and the bubble effects! Gameplay felt super smooth and responsive and was a fair challenge. Really well done!!

Really interesting and unique design. I really liked all the animations you added! Something a little bit disturbing about the balloons coming out of him, very eerie like he doesn't have a body and is just a floating head in a cloak... but anyway, the gameplay itself was really well done! Love all the different types of balloons you need to use for the puzzles. nice work!

Oh shit! Love the pixel art of the astronaut and how intense the game is at capturing the feeling of a close call, where you somehow barely manage to avoid the asteroids! I had so many of those 'oh shit' moments on my runs.

The controls felt a little bit delayed and sometimes that meant there was almost no way to dodge in time by the time the asteroids spawned, but most of the time it felt pretty good. I liked the additional "stabilize" button which helped when I had a clearing.

Highest score I got was 11 m!

PS the game didn't run correctly at first, but the suggestion of changing my desktop resolution to 1920x1080 worked for me!

Pretty nice game! Who doesn't love popping bubbles??

I think it would be cool to have some indication of how many points you're earning during the game rather than having to wait till the end. I also thought I should be able to move at first so I was pressing WASD/arrow keys trying to move the guy around. Maybe a stationary character like an immobile tower would indicate that right away.

I like the menu music! The music in the gameplay was also great quality, atmospheric and relaxing - but felt a little bit like a lullaby after a bit and didn't quite fit the vibe of the game. If you are going the royalty free music route, may i suggest battleofthebits.com - they host chiptunes that are really good for video games and almost everything is under a Creative Commons attribution license! This is another really good source too: NoSoapRadio (another creative commons attribution license)

The game's menu is extremely polished and has a great presentation. Gameplay wise it felt great, love the satisfying sounds and camera shakes. A bit hard to control and felt like I sometimes took damage randomly. A little tricky to determine whether you are intentionally colliding with the asteroid to mine it, or if you're going to get hurt by it. It's an interesting mechanic though! I think having the objectives also be hazards can be a bit confusing though. Maybe shooting stars hurt, but asteroids always behaved like you're attaching to mine it.

Really dig the whole retro arcade vibe and the music is sick! Manually scrolling through letters one by one felt a bit silly to do with a keyboard at my fingertips tho :P

lol @ the angry hotdog

I would say this is certainly a proof of concept!

love all the polish to the visuals, animation, the shaking text effects and intro animation. The water effect looked great and so did all the bubbles, flamethrower particles, everything was really cool looking! I kind of had my fill after a a few minutes, and the gameplay felt a bit one dimensional after a while. REALLY polished and solid, but it definitely needs one or two more elements to really flesh out the game loop. I had fun and appreciated everything that went into it so far, and hope you expand on it!

If this was a food dish, I'd say it just needed a little more salt and pepper and it'd be perfect!

really pleasant relaxing game :)

the water physics felt really nice and it was enjoyable to play. I didn't really grasp how to play with strategy too much, but it was real fun to click and watch the objects float around. Nice work :)

The animated tether effect is really well done. I really liked that detail

Really lovely ethereal, dreamlike atmosphere. Nice job on the overall mechanics! But the controls felt a bit awkward for me, having to take my hands off WASD in order to hit E. I would have preferred an arrow key alternate setup I think. I struggled a bit with the dash move! Really liked the art direction and color

I liked the ending as well! Very well done

Love the charm of the talking ghosts :)

Really made me smile while playing and hearing all the different voice lines. After a few laps i started to feel like it was just repeating and not getting any more difficult, so it did start to get stale after a little bit, but it never made my smile go away. I really enjoyed playing :)

Would love to see this expanded with a longer river pathway and more types of obstacles or hazards! A lot of promise here already. Great work!!

Very nice atmosphere and art direction! I really liked the relaxing music. The shadows and color choices made everything really clear and easy to read. Fun game loop too! I liked the transition effects

Wow the unique mechanics in the levels is really cool! I like all the different characters and dialogue as well. This game was dyno-mite!

The art was awesome!! I love the angler fish especially. Really caught me by surprise at first how big and scary it was! The game was very immersive, nice lighting effect the deeper you go down.

With the gameplay, I think the hit boxes could be a little more fair though, cus I got full damage just from barely touching his antennae one time, so his hit box really covered a lot of space.

But overall Really nice game!

SUPER satisfying to get the big combos! The sound design really sells it! Really well done!

Gets a bit chaotic veryyy quick with how many bomb mines spawn, but the chaos is part of the fun for this jam game. I think I would prefer a bit less RNG.

But I love the character design and it was fun which is most important :)

The water wave effect is really well done!! Really cool physics system, the gameplay felt very smooth. Sometimes it felt a bit unclear how you "drown" and I was usually caught off guard by it. Never quite understood the conditions to trigger the game over, except when i got hit by a big wave!

Nice work!

BTW, the leaderboard has some issues and gave this error in my browser console:

The camera transitions and menu effects are such a great detail, makes it super addictive to keep replaying :D


Essentially the requirement is to just have a feather in your game. You can redraw/recolor it to fit your needs.

Very cool variety to the powerups and I liked the pacing of everything very much. Love all the different fish types and hazards as well! Only wish there was a little music for the game too. The title theme song was great! Very good sound design as well. Felt very authentic to the NES

Really cool game and aesthetic! I like the neon color theme and the cool trailing effect.

My play was short, but fun. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not but I kept dying unexpectedly around 12,000 immediately after getting through a barrier successfully.

AW bummer, i was rekt by the exit button on both runs... but I had a lot of fun anyways!

First I got stuck in a corner and didn't know about the L debug mode. I thought Exit miiiight take me back to town to heal... but it was a game over screen you can't go back from. RIP. Then the second run I went a different route and started power leveling in the fire area. Accidental misclick on the exit button due to a sensitive DPAD on my controller and it was RIP # 2.

Even though I didn't get to experience the game in its full glory, I still had a really great time and appreciated the art and character design SO MUCH. Loved every little creature I encountered. Such a joy to play! I also appreciated all the effort in the UI and menus. Even the small details like not being able to use a potion when you're full HP, that really added a lot to how much went into this. I wish I could have saved my progress so I didn't have to restart a 3rd time, otherwise I would have totally played more :)

Hope you keep going with this I'll definitely be back for future updates :)


Absolutely NAILED the NES aesthetic, most of all with the sound design. Everything felt so authentic! I wasn't able to get super far but it was still fun! nice work

Very interesting and unique mechanic! It took me a minute to understand at first but then it felt pretty intuitive. I'd love to see this concept expanded even more and having trickier puzzles! A lot of these felt pretty straightforward but there were a few really cool level designs! Nice work!

 I kinda like the drone soundtrack but wish there were some sfx too. Some sound design would really enhance the experience

I really liked the deflection mechanic! Controls felt very good throughout. One thing that felt a bit unintended was bullets wouldn't get cleared when you respawn from a game over, so sometimes i got pummeled by bullets immediately when I pressed Continue. And also I noticed the way the boss was designed, it actually gets easier as you progress through the fight. Maybe the bullet patterns should get more intense based on the number of destroyed nodes?

Overall, it was a really fun game that left me wanting more at the end! Nice work on the graphics, they felt very polished

thanks so much'aroh!! :)

Yeah the cloning mechanic was really well done, and also really impressive all the systems interact flawlessly without any bugs at all. Really good stuff.

And for the record, when I say it was my least favorite, it's like a 7/10 and i still liked it, just a little less. I enjoyed pretty much every level to some degree :)

To me the portal maze felt like a little break, , since it was pretty easy and a bit different than the more traditional puzzle levels. It might work really well if it was a recurring bonus level where you can get a little reward for good luck, if there were any ideas for powerups or special items.

There's not a lot of content yet, and you get quickly super overpowered compared to the slimes....but there's something quite satisfying with the game loop already — this was quite fun! I played till level 20. Nice work!

(1 edit)

Only good goblins get cake! Took me a while to figure out some of the tricky levels but they were really satisfying when I finally got it!! I love the complexity in some of the levels from such a simple premise!

Also really love the UI design. Everything felt really responsive and had great control with just the NES button layout. Great work on that! It was super polished.  Also it was very really authentic to the NES with art and sound design.

I really don't have much critique except maybe it could use a few more tutorial levels with text to introduce the concept of killing some goblins in order to pass. Another thing was not quite understanding the win condition. Was the goal to get 5 happy goblins to the end, or was it to get a certain percentage of them? One last very minor note is wishing the level number displayed in the game too, so I could easily tell you which levels were my favorites by number! There were a couple levels I really enjoyed solving.

My least favorite level was the one with the portal maze. While I did like the portal levels in general, this one was kind of  just a guessing game to figure out where each portal connected... and that just took a few rounds of trial and error to figure out but didn't require as much strategy and puzzle solving. I REALLY liked the cloning mechanic though and the "aha" moment from figuring out those levels was the highlight of my play session.

Really well done, I thoroughly enjoyed my play :)

Lol that was very meta. A game of playing a game inside a game... as a crab playing as a crab. Love the premise and the music. Despite being interrupted playing my game so much, the mechanic was actually quite fun, especially towards the end as it got faster and you had to react quicker. Felt almost like a stealth game in a way!

Love the graphics and sounds of picking up the purple shells. Very charming game. I really enjoyed the detail of the crab's "thumbs" on the controller. Only thing that felt off was not being able to crab claw the little fish in the game. Felt like it should affect them somewhat.

Had a great time! 50/50 | 6/14

It would be great if you could customize your itch.io page a bit more to create a better user experience.

First of all, enabling the "Full screen button" in your itch.io settings would have been a big help, cus the window is very small right now. Additionally, adjusting the scale mode so the game can stretch to fill the screen would be beneficial. When I tried enlarging it in my browser, the game window remained the same tiny size. In Godot this is under Project Settings > Display > Window > Stretch (Mode)

I tried to download it so I could play fullscreen. For a game jam, removing the default payment option would be helpful so players don’t have to decline the $2 payment before they download it. Also, it seems like you uploaded your entire Godot project by accident. Next time, try to build and export it for Windows so it’s a .pck and .exe file that you can zip and upload instead. This will make it easier for players to download and play in full screen. 

In terms of gameplay, it was overall okay but could use a bit more speed for climbing ladders and there were some animation glitches when you exit the ladder. Adding some background music could help too by filling in the silence when you are waiting for enemy patrols on the ladders.

Despite these issues, your game and art style definitely has a lot of charm!

wooooo that was fun! the combat was kinda fun and it definitely has the classic NES feel. I like all the various items you can pick up and use in combat. An apple a day certainly does keep the doctor away… and the cops too lol. I had a good time in my play session. A few little bugs here and there, respawning with just one heart when I felt like I should have more made it difficult to get past the boss. Also check out the glitch when I restarted. I respawned in the wall! (And with 1 health again). I tried to fight my way out of it for a little while but to no avail. You can see that in the gameplay footage:

(1 edit)

First off, I appreciate the effort put into the game, especially with some of the tricky platforming sections! The concept has potential and could be quite fun with some refinements.

The physics felt really sensitive to me, making it difficult to land accurate jumps. This made the 1x1 platforms particularly challenging and, at times, frustrating. It would be great if the controls could be a bit more forgiving to help players feel more in control. Also, playing in full screen would definitely improve the experience, as the current window felt very small and hard to focus on. The audio was also extremely low.

I did encounter a glitch where the game ended without respawning me, which unfortunately ended my run:

LOVE the character designs. Love the style of everything in this game. The combat was pretty fun and really captured the old school beat 'em up vibe, I can see the inspiration from River City Ransom. Some of the animations were funny and unexpected, like when the boss pulled out the sniper rifle after engaging with a sword. 

Had a bit of trouble with the boss fight, cus I couldn't reach her with my sword if I went all the way right in the map. She'd hide in an unreachable part of the screen and so I'd backtrack to the left to lure her out. But doing this method eventually made me run out of time so I had game over.

Wowwww this is a really cool!! Incredibly visually polished game.

Loved the visuals of the map slowly revealing itself - very cool effect. But it did start to lag like crazy the longer I played until it was like a powerpoint slideshow towards the end (you'll see in the footage after like 4 minutes)

Visually super impressive... Love the lighting and colors! But it didn't exactly feel like an authentic NES palette or style. Don't get me wrong, I really dig the style a lot, it's quite beautiful, just felt very much like a modern game with all the bells and whistles like specular highlights, shadows, etc.

Gameplay wise it was also pretty fun. The platforming was nice but superjumping off enemies was much too difficult to get consistently so I didn't really go for hunting many hidden gems.

REALLY nice job with the visuals and I really appreciated all the details of the lighting effects. Very artistic use of the CRT shaders and loved all the specular lighting on all the textures. The angel statue with all the candles stood out as a highlight for me.  I can see the Animal Well inspirations throughout! Very well done.

Here was my playthrough:

Valu's Impulse was definitely fun but also very difficult. The challenge was engaging, but I wish there was a "Continue" option instead of restarting from level 1 each time. I would have loved to keep going and try to beat level 2 without starting over from the beginning again. It took me a while to reach lvl 2 and I didn't really want to replay it yet again

The popes with fireballs were super tough to deal with, and I found it hard to dodge their attacks. It made the game feel a bit too punishing at times. I also unlocked some traits but couldn't quite figure out how to activate them, which left me feeling a bit underpowered. For instance, I thought my fireball, or "heat" trait would give me a projectile, but I didn't notice any change. Clarifying how to use these traits would add a lot to the gameplay experience.

Despite the difficulty, I loved the graphics and thought the music fit very well with the game's atmosphere. The intro cinematic was especially impressive and added a lot to the overall presentation. Great work on that! I think with a bit of tweaking—like allowing players to continue from the current level—you could maintain the NES-level difficulty while softening the harshness just a bit. Keep up the great work!

Tom's Journey is a pretty cool platformer! It has all the basics you need and is quite straightforward, which makes it accessible to new players. I appreciated the smooth mechanics overall and found it engaging enough to keep playing. I didn't face too much difficulty, managing to beat it with only one or two respawns, which speaks to its balance in terms of challenge.

However, the shoot attack felt a bit underwhelming. I couldn't seem to kill any of the normal enemies with it, or maybe they just had lots of HP—I'm not entirely sure. It would be great if the attack felt more impactful or if there was clearer feedback to indicate whether it was effective on certain enemies.

A technical note: the super jumps off the bouncy platforms were tricky to time perfectly. Is there any "input buffering" for jumps? It felt like a frame-perfect mechanic at times, making it hard to nail consistently. Despite this, the game was still fun and had a nice flow to it. Great job overall!

Yooo that's so cool seeing a sword master at work. Nice playing! Seeing the parry in action is pretty cool it seemed to really be needed for the dragon fight

Love the colors and melodic sound effects! Really well done!! Everything is super clear and easy to read. Love the little outlined bugs when you see the previews for dropping your tiles. The gorilla appearing made me chuckle :D

Hey, that was pretty fun! I loved that the game was short and sweet, making it easy to pick up and play. The hit boxes with the squirrels were a bit tricky to get right at first, but once I got the hang of it, it became more manageable. The animations were well done, though the style felt a bit inconsistent. The very detailed, realistic squirrels contrasted with the main character's cartoony, simplified look, which created a bit of a visual mismatch.

The music was absolutely 🔥🔥! It was really energetic and well-composed, but it did feel a bit too intense for the overall tone of the game. Since the platformer featured animals and didn't have any dire threats, the battle-like music seemed slightly out of place. Perhaps a more lighthearted or whimsical soundtrack would better suit the gameplay and theme.

Everything in the game was really good in its own right, but could have been a little more cohesive overall. I had a great time playing and can see a lot of potential here! Excellent work :)

Awesomeee! The NES-difficulty really shines through, and I could see fans of retro games appreciating that authenticity. The requirement to get 100% to clear the stage was an interesting choice; while it does add a layer of challenge, I felt that just reaching the top would have been a satisfying objective on its own. The gameplay and level layout was quite engaging, but I found that having to hit every single gear slowed me down a bit. The platforming elements, like dodging and jumping, were the most fun part for me. As you'll see it wasn't until my first run's end that I discovered the whip attack.

Visually, the game looked great! The graphics were spot-on, and the music and sound effects were well done, though the whip sound effect stood out as louder and more intense compared to the others. There was some audio doubling with the jump sounds too. Overall, I had a good time with my run, and there's a lot of promise here! Fantastic work!