Day 7: Friday Jan 13 2017
Well, no screenshots today, but I still managed to get a lot of good work done.
- Fixed the placement to dogs so that it's not impossible / extremely hard to get past level 2.
- Fixed a bug that I discovered which was resetting the placement of enemy after loading a save file, causing the player to be unable to avoid said enemy at all. It's all good now, though.
-Finished the general layout of level 3. As well as strategic placement of enemy and hiding spots. All that's left are adding a few more assets like chairs and things on the tables that are not necessary to continue eventing the gameplay.
Goals for tomorrow:
* continue drawing the assets needed for level 3 as well as a few for level 2 (as mentioned above).
* Using said assets to finally complete the layout of level 3 and continue on to eventing the puzzle of that level.
* Create the sprite sheet of final boss.
* If I can squeeze in the time, create some of the assets needed for the final level ( level 4).