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[Devlog] Putty Saves Goob

A topic by crystallotus created Jan 12, 2017 Views: 712 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 9
(1 edit) (+1)

Hello there, everyone! Sorry I'm kind of late on posting here, but better late than never :D
I'll continue to post here


You play as Putty, the feline escape artist! Everyone loves to see her spectacular performances! One day, however, a new gang called the Bad Dogs rolls into town and kidnaps Putty's little brother/assistant in hopes of scoring a lot of ransom money from her. Silly dogs...they don't even know what escape artist means, do they?

Help Putty avoid the Bad Dogs within their hideout as she gather's the keys to get all the way down to the basement and rescue Goob from the biggest, baddest mobster around! Be careful, though. If one of those dogs catches you, it's game over.


1st level of game WIP

test of chase mechanic

Note: I am currently 90% done with the 2nd level, and have planned the next two. I'm aiming for the game to consist of 4 levels, and the player must go back through the first 3 and out through that window with the pink curtains without being touched by any of the dogs in order to win the game. However, plans sometimes change, so we'll see how things go.

Note: today is day 5 of the game jam (Wed 11 2017)


Day 6:

So today, I completed Level 2 to my satisfaction for now. I may to tweak some minor details later such as the placement of the enemies, but for today, it's good. The puzzle in the level was giving me a bit of trouble but I was finally able to make it work like a charm! I just needed to figure out how to make one event influence another correctly using switches and self switches.

But enough of that, lets talk about the characters!

Characters and Enemies:


Putty is an escape artist. I haven't gotten to the point of drawing out the intro (I'm planning to make it something like an animatic-style cutscene, but that's not until I'm done the programming parts). She's pretty well known in her little country and travels a lot to perform. Putty worked and studied hard in circus school to get to this level. It's pretty hard, taking care of her little brother on the side, but she's sure that in the big litter-box in the sky, their parents are smiling down on them both. It's kind of unfortunate that this time they ran into the Bad Dogs. That's why you need to help her get her brother out of there and make a quick getaway!


Goob is a silly little cat that helps Putty with her performances. He really admires his big sister and dreams of being a successful business man when he grows up. For now, though, he's just a little cry-baby kitten. However, he is pretty smart, and has a pretty high IQ score. He gets kidnapped and held hostage by the Bad Dogs, and It's your job to rescue him in the game.

Enemy Bad Dog:

True to their name, these are the biggest, meanest dogs in the city! They can run pretty fast too! Be careful as you go through the levels in the building. If they catch you, it's game over! But I bet Putty can think of something to get them caught by the police. We'll see what happens when you beat the game.

Thanks for reading! See ya next update!

(1 edit) (+1)

Day 7: Friday Jan 13 2017

Well, no screenshots today, but I still managed to get a lot of good work done.

- Fixed the placement to dogs so that it's not impossible / extremely hard to get past level 2.

- Fixed a bug that I discovered which was resetting the placement of enemy after loading a save file, causing the player to be unable to avoid said enemy at all. It's all good now, though.

-Finished the general layout of level 3. As well as strategic placement of enemy and hiding spots. All that's left are adding a few more assets like chairs and things on the tables that are not necessary to continue eventing the gameplay.

Goals for tomorrow:

* continue drawing the assets needed for level 3 as well as a few for level 2 (as mentioned above).

* Using said assets to finally complete the layout of level 3 and continue on to eventing the puzzle of that level.

* Create the sprite sheet of final boss.

* If I can squeeze in the time, create some of the assets needed for the final level ( level 4).
(2 edits) (+1)

Day 9: Sunday Jan 15 2017

Ok so it's actually the 16th right now. I wanted to post this yesterday, but it was pretty late by the time I stopped working on it, so here I am now.

-I managed to make more items in my tilemaps for both level 2 and 3.

-Finished most (if not all) of eventing the puzzle in level 3.

-Started with drawing and coloring the images that will be shown in the intro of the game. Here are some SCREENSHOTS. xD Haven't had those in a while, huh?

I'm keeping it simple since its pretty much crunch-time now. I hope you like them!

I still need to make the final boss's sprite sheet as well as the tiles needed for the basement that you go against him in. There's no battle system in this game, so you'll see on the 21st how you're gonna have to defeat him ;P.

You'll also need to get Goob out of the building after you do, so I still need to work on that as well as the images for the ending.


Day 11 : Tuesday Jan 17th 2017

Hello again!

So yesterday I didn't manage to work at all haha. I fell right asleep after I got back from work, so this is a bit late.

Anyway, I managed to get some work done today:

-Fixed a bug with the doors to the other levels, since if you were right up against the wall and tried facing down to use it, it wouldn't work. This problem was causing the dog enemy to catch you before you could possibly step back to try again. Don't worry, though! The fix was really simple and it works perfectly now.

-Finished creating most of the layout of the final level. All that's left is starting to event the boss "battle" (not) that will occur there. The reason I said "not" back there is because there won't be any battle system involved in this game. Be patient young grasshoppers, you'll see it when it's finally out! ;D

-Created the final boss character!!

Big Dog:

He's the biggest dog in the pound, and ready to take you down! (I'm still debating on whether to make him slower than the other dogs in the game, but I'm not quite sure that'll work for the encounter with him that I have in mind. We'll see what happens.)

Big Dog's goal is to someday take over the city. But first, he's gotta rake in a lot of cash! Kidnapping Putty's little brother seems like the perfect way to do it…or is it?
(2 edits)

Ahhh! I LOVE it! It's so cute and I adore the pixel art! I can't quite explain it but something about it reels me in. I think it's your style and colour palette that's triggering the nostalgia in me. <3

Deleted 7 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Day 12: Wednesday Jan 18 2017

Well, It looks like today was wasted a bit because the gameplay I had in mind for the final level (4) isn't going to work, so I'm going for something else. It's a bit harder than the other levels since in this one (so far) there will be 3 dogs chasing you, as well as the Boss to deal with. I'm keeping the other gameplay that I'm trying to implement a secret for now. I've finished half of the eventing for the final level so far, but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish it completely and start with the finishing touches of my game.

Those are:

-finishing the intro of the game (both drawing the images and eventing it)

-starting and finishing the ending

-using the Orange Overlay plugin to make the hiding spots able to actually cover the character while hiding behind things like boxes and tables and the like.

-Make and add the credits to the end of the game.

It seems like a short/easy list, but the amount of things that I need to get done is actually a lot more than it looks. Here's hoping I can finish it all. I already cut the part where you were supposed to rush all the way back up the building to the window that Putty came in from in the beginning after you save Goob.

Haha but I don't regret going it alone for this game jam. The whole reason I did was to test myself on how much I could possibly complete by myself. xD

Day 13: Thursday Jan 19th 2017

Alrighty! looks like I've finally finished the gameplay aspect of my game! all 4 levels are complete now, and all that's left is prettying it all up. :D

Things I've done today:

-Completed level 4 (gameplay wise)

- Playtested a few times to make sure the last 2 levels were hooked up correctly. found a few bugs that I had missed/ things I forgot to event in, and fixed them.

-Finished the last 3 images in the intro and evented it so that it would play at the beginning of the game.

What's left to be done:

-The ending images/cutscene.

-Parallax mapping and fixing the random transparency issue in the maps using the Orange Overlay (or if I run into problems, the Kaus Ultimate Overlay) plugin.

Hopefully, I'll make it with a complete game by the deadline after all! I'm not out of danger just yet, but I shall try my darnedest!

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Day 15: Saturday Jan 21 2017

Woah! Finally finished the game with less than one hour to spare!! The parallax mapping isn't all that great, but unfortunately, that's because I pretty much made the res a lot higher than it needed to be because I wanted to try to make the game in 1920 x 1080 res from the start. Note to self: Don't do that...

Because the res is so high, the characters had to be 3x the size that rpg maker mv usually requires, which means that the characters' sprites are gonna be tall and end up going under the "par" layer when using either Orange Overlay or Kaus Ultimate Overlay plugin. I other words, I'll either have to live with the way the game looks now, or remove the para layer completely. Maybe a middle ground would be to remove some of the para in some places and leave it in others. I'll still look weird though. It's a good thing that I made my other game (the one I was working on before this one, The Golden Letters) 1280 x 720 instead. much easier to control.

Things I completed today before submitting:

-Created the title screen image

-Added an item in the inventory that shows you how to play the game when used.

-Fixed a game-breaking bug I discovered that prevented the player from moving at the very end of the game.

-Finished the ending images and evented them in.

-Did a few last minute play tests to make sure everything was working.

-Finally submitted the game!!

Yey!! Be sure to take a look at it! Thanks for following my progress on this game, and I hope to enter again next time!

Until next time,

-Kinda W.