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A skeleton trapped in a watery grave, his only way out is with the help of his friends the birds. It’s not all that easy though as he soon discovers a fiery pit awaiting him outside of his prison. There is only one way out. Those unstable platforms hanging by a thread. But the birds are here to help. This is a beautifully visual and fun mechanical game. I like the title screen and custom mouse pointer. The fact that you can play with the bones is a nice touch. The game is a bit hard to get the hang of. The graphics are polished really well. As for originality not much going on, on the platformer side of things but oh man the physics adds some innovation to the game with the just a little bird keeping you from falling into the fire. I would have at least like to have this on mobile but great game dude. Well done.

Haha, I love this. Someone above mentioned a lack of story, but looks like you got my back.
Was definitely me experimenting with a bunch of things and I think it shows with the mix of somewhat disconnected ideas and mechanics between scenes, but I learned a bunch so it was worth it.
Thanks for taking so much time on your response, I really appreciate it!