Hello! Do you still need native Korean translator? I do not have any portfolio but I have worked as a business meeting interpreter and I am looking for projects to further my experience in translation.
It's great to receive a reply after such a long time! Unfortunately, finding a Korean translator proficient in English has proven challenging, which lead us to temporarily suspend the effort.
I reached out to the head of development and I’ll promptly update you once I hear back.
We haven't discussed the possibility of implementing Korean in a while for aforementioned reasons, so I can't make a decision on my own at the moment.
In more exciting news, Window Garden has expanded its reach! The iOS version is now available, eliminating the previous limitations to Android and emulators for testing and gameplay.
Could you provide us with an email or twitter account to contact you about our decision? You can DM me on twitter @InfoRosebrock or reach out to me directly on the Window Garden Discord. I am nicked as Jen there, too, taged with the blue Translator role!
Thanks again for reaching out!
Edit: already got the reply: Korean is in the works already. Sorry, I wasn't informed...