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Cann't stop playing this game at the moment (currently playing the public version

Some ideas for your consideration:

  • Figging
    Add the concept of figging to the game as it fits in perfectly with the theme of corporal punishment. (Figging - a peeled ginger-root butt-plug or a similar effect can be produced from an irritant balm appied between the cheeks, - look it up if you want a complete explanation.)
    From a game mechanic perspective it should be ease to add into the spanking routine by having an extra option following on from the pull clothes / pull panties options. Whilst I leave it you to implement the exact in game effects and how it interacts with other game mechanics, it should certainly increase the intensity of the punishment. Maybe reserve it for repeat offenders instead of, or as well as additional hits. Would need to add appropriate punishment and admin edicts to enable use on convicts and the court employees.
    Also this would give the opportunity add a quest or quest line to obtain apporpriate supplies for use. For instance maybe a foraging trip with TAnni outside of the city somewhere to obtain supplies for personal use (like having spanking implements to use). Also to secure a regular supply for court use, maybe get your own village to grow it or to forage for it etc.
  • Docks Bar
    Add an option for cornertime from the dice game, either as a betting option at the start or an alternative ending for spanking routine (like spank / pull clothes / end / cornertime). (I'm sure all the bar patrons would appreciate the view)
  • Friday night punishment
    In addition to the individual view of cornertime for each girl punished, have a combined view of cornertime for everyone who was punished (you could see it by sitting on the spanking stool perhaps). Maybe have the option only appear if everyone has been punished.
  • Random girls Extend the range of randoms girls with by having a varriation in size as well as colour and type.
  • Restoration of Court rooms (this may be work in progress)
    Have it cost time and gold to restore all the rooms in the court and not just the lobby, rather than the room auomatically being restored when the appropriate vacany is filled. The cost and time can be varried according to the room, for instance the cornertime room could be 30 gold and 1 day as it is a simple room, where as the archivist's room is a lot more complex therfore could be 100 gold and 2 or 3 days. The investigator room can fall somewhere between the two and the lobby should have high day cost to match the 200 gold to represent the high class finish required.
    Whilst Raya is restoring a room she should not get her ability to save court fees. Also if caught with spoilt supplies it should add a day to the restoration task since she wastes the day cleaning up. The vacany should only be allowed to be filled once the particular room has been restored completed.