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If only there was a way to update saves, I'd rather not play through the whole game again just because I wan't the slaves from the story... is there a way?

Save files are text/JSON, just need to know what exactly you are trying to get.

Could you elaborate? I know how to change and edit the save files, but i find it a hassle to individually add whats missing to all my slaves

Your first post seemed to indicate that you were interested in acquiring a slave from the story that you missed, either due to wrong choices or wrong sequence of choices.  For most of the story characters it is possible to change the save file to play the relevant parts and get them.  The "sidequests" dictionary contains the names of the relevant Slaves, but it is important to change them to the correct values.

Though your second post seems to indicate that you were after something specific to this mod.  I'm not exactly sure what that would be.

I'm saying that the mod won't work as intended for slaves you had before the most recent update, some stats are missing,  I don't want to go through the hassle of restarting, but if I must, I will

(1 edit)

I may be able to run an update to see if it will manually find and add stats to existing Slaves. For the most recent update, I can’t promise it’ll work right but it’s worth a shot after I get the next fix out.

Edit: However, like Ank is saying save games are editable. I haven’t tried but I’m sure that in the meantime you could grab any code in the person class and add it in. Just copy/paste whatcha need into the save file, then I would suggest setting expanded to False so any unassigned code will rerun (though it will altered already assigned code, so it’s a gamble).

Thank you Aric, I'll give it a try, you're doing great with the mod