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This was good fun! I assume the black and white flashing background means I won, so I made it all the way to the end. The controls were fun for this one, and I actually enjoyed having a platformer with pure platforming (no enemies) and also no way (seemingly) to die. Made the gameplay a combination of satisfying for when you pull off the jumps and relaxing in that there's no frustration of having to restart. Was pretty unique too that your character was a ball and you could build up acceleration to make the longer jumps. I used static jumping to reset the acceleration when I needed to turn (it was pretty hard to change directions while the ball was rolling flat) and spammed the wall jumps to win. Good fun! 

Agreed! But when I first played this back when I was the first vote I found a way to get past the flashing background and fully complete the game, somewhere in the level there is a code that you can find that you need to input when you get to the flashing background part (it might be "91303" if I remember correctly). You are then brought to a fun physics-y boss fight where you launch balls and dodge balls, after that fight you then win the game.

(I thought I left a comment here but I guess I was too shocked by this super surreal experience!)


The code isn't "91303". It's "9350".

(1 edit)

Sorry my mistake. It has been almost a week since I've completed it.


I know. When you are voting a lot of games, you don't remember details about each game.